OCTC Foundation, Inc. Report | OCTC

Student Success is Our Success!

The OCTC Foundation, Inc.’s Annual report celebrates our accomplishments through your gifts and support over the past year. Your partnership truly makes a difference in student success and we could not continue meeting our mission without you. Please take a moment to review the annual report and enjoy the fruits of your efforts.

STEVE GARDNER - BOARD CHAIRWelcome | Annual Report 2022

Steve Gardner - Board Chair

Dear Friends,

Academic year 2021-2022 was wonderful, and we could not have done it without partners like you!  We are grateful for your generosity as you attended restaurant nights, sponsored events, established scholarships, stocked the Pathfinder Pantry, and made gifts to support student success.

The OCTC Foundation, Inc. is committed to providing students with the resources to make their goal of earning college credentials a reality. OCTC faculty and staff work tirelessly to help students achieve their dreams. Partners like you generously support our mission to help students create a better life. OCTC is a welcoming community that offers a quality, affordable education that prepares students for their futures. By providing students with opportunities to learn using modern technology and equipment, OCTC is a great place for our community to learn valuable skills and enter the fields of healthcare, business, industry, public service, and many more. Together, we are making a difference.

Over the last three years, it has been an honor to serve as the OCTC Foundation, Inc. Board Chair. I have enjoyed hearing about students who have beat all odds, earned their education, and are now giving back to the community. It has been wonderful to see business partnerships and new programs grow, ensuring students have careers once they complete their studies. I am excited for the bright future of OCTC, our students, and the OCTC Foundation, Inc. I would like to welcome Ms. Amy Jackson to the role as OCTC Foundation, Inc. Board Chair. I have no doubt her energy and dedication will serve us well, and she will provide excellent leadership. I look forward to continuing to serve as a board member and hearing amazing stories of OCTC students, partners, faculty, and staff.

I have no doubt that 2022-23 will be even better due to wonderful partners like you. Please enjoy the amazing stories and features that describe how you are making a difference every day.  Thank you for helping make OCTC a great place!


Steve Gardner

OCTC Foundation, Inc. Board Chair

SCOTT WILLIAMS - OCTC PRESIDENTOCTC Gratitude | 2021 Great College to Work For - 4011 Students Enrolled

Scott Williams - OCTC President

Dear Friends,

As Owensboro Community and Technical College (OCTC) completes its 35th year, I am proud to announce we have served more than 82,986 individuals in our community since our inception.  OCTC’s 35th year was hugely successful.  It was arguably one of our most successful.  OCTC had its largest fall enrollment in seven years with 4,111 students enrolled in the fall 2021.  We added accelerated and innovative programs to meet the needs of our community, such as Automation and Robotics, CDL Driving Academy, Plumbing Fast Track, and Fiber Optic Technician.  We were recognized as a Great College to Work For by The Chronicle of Higher Education and voted the Platinum Award winner for Higher Education in the Messenger & Inquirer Reader’s Choice Awards for the third straight year. 

However, none of that would be possible without the tremendous support of our community, friends of the college, and OCTC Foundation.  Through your generosity and support, we eclipsed our annual campaign goal in 2022 and enhanced our ability to provide students with the support they need to be successful.  Your generosity allowed us to increase our student emergency aid funds, scholarships, and transportation and food pantry aid.  These are all essential to ensure our students have what they need to achieve their dreams and attain a better quality of life.  We could not do it without you. OCTC and our students thank you.

While we are proud of the present, we are even more excited about the future.  The dedicated and hardworking OCTC team, along with the OCTC Foundation have built a strong foundation to propel us into an even more successful future.  OCTC’s future, is brighter than ever, and we are poised to achieve greater heights.  I am confident that together we will create a better quality of life for everyone in our community and region.  Together we ensure that those who turn to OCTC will achieve their dreams, and that would not be possible without you. 

We hope that you enjoy the stories and successes in this year’s Annual Report.  From all of us at OCTC, we thank you, and we are grateful for the opportunity to serve this community.


Scott Williams, Ph.D.

President, Owensboro Community and Technical College


Foundation Board Members

Scott Clay, Treasurer

Kay Coomes

Barry Embry

Michael Fiorella

Steve Gardner, Chair

Brandon Gilles

Bernadette Toye Hale, 
OCTC Marketing Director

Amy Jackson, Vice Chair

David Johnson, J.D.

Angie Morrison

Jeff Rice

Michael Rodgers,
Director of the Foundation

Veena Sallan, Ph.D.,
OCTC Vice President of Academic Affairs

Joseph Taylor

L. Jeannette Ward

Tom Watson

Sharla Wells

Scott Williams, Ph.D.,
OCTC President

OCTC Resource Development Staff

Christi Midkiff, Director Grants & Contracts
Gina Sloan, Accounting
Cadie Underwood, Advancement Specialist

Annual Report | Contents

Chairman's Welcome

President's Thank You

College Overview

New Scholarships


Financial Health

Anne Phan

Experiential Learning Center (ELC)

Logan Himes


Jennifer Simpson-Riggs


Mckenzie Mattingly

Ways to Give

Owensboro community & technical college | overview

Pathfinder Mascot with Child

Fall and Spring semesters bounced back to pre-pandemic levels thanks to the hard work of our faculty and staff. 

  • 20% - Spring enrollment was up 20% at 3,769. Dual Credit was 1/3 of enrollment.
  • Fall 2021: 4,111, up 5.3%, largest in 7 years FTE 2,346, equal to pre-pandemic levels.
  • Spring 2022: 3,769, up 20%, equal to pre-pandemic levels
  • 12,629 non-credit trainings, 875 businesses served in 2021-22 through Workforce Solutions


CDL: 16 business and industry partners were served by this program, and 52 students completed the program, November 1- June 30. 

01 - CDL

OCTC launched a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Academy in November 2021 to help address the driver shortage in our region. Offered through the Workforce Solutions division, this driving academy was made possible through a public partnership with the Owensboro Riverport Authority (ORA) and offers both CDL Class A and Class B certification training.

OCTC’s multi truck and trailer program received funding support from KCTCS-TRAINS and a generous no-cost lease agreement for the program’s required driving range through the ORA.

The CDL Driving Academy places a heavy emphasis on work and learn sponsorships, apprenticeships, and post training employer placement along with a full range of free career navigator services.

02 - NKE Apprenticeship

OCTC’s Workforce Solutions, working with Norman King Electric (NKE), expanded the electrical apprenticeship program to train additional electricians in our area.

The program is a federally registered apprenticeship program in which students may earn an associate degree while completing their apprenticeship program and working in the field for NKE.

This program is looking to expand availability to other electrical companies during the 2022-2023 academic year. 

03 - Camps & Activities

OCTC hosted a variety of summer camps and activities. STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) Camp included training a robot to pick and place a 3-D printed object, exploring engineering while creating and launching a rocket, and printmaking techniques.

OCTC’s STEAM Camp was funded in part by a grant received from the Alcoa Foundation.

OCTC’s Level Up Camp served graduating high school seniors. Successful participants earned one college credit hour and became eligible for a scholarship for the fall semester. Students attended a STEAM-focused behind-the-scenes tour of Holiday World.

This project was funded by the US Department of Education and the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER), authorized by Section 18002

of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) to provide emergency aid to states to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.


Dr. Lori Donohoo | Director, Nursing

"The OCTC Healthcare Career Camp included hands-on activities with each of the allied health programs to include: radiography, nursing, medical assisting, surgical technology, and paramedicine. Guest speaker Delanor Manson shared her experiences as a woman of color in the allied health field, and a showcase event presented by the participants wrapped up the academy. The healthcare career exploration summer camp was funded in part by a grant from the Owensboro Health Community Health Investments Grant program."

04 - Commonwealth West Healthcare Workforce Innovation Center

$38 million was received from the state legislature as start-up funding for a public-private partnership project to address healthcare workforce shortages in the region. This is a consortia of eight colleges/universities, Owensboro Health, and regional healthcare organizations.


• Increase healthcare career pipeline
• Establish state of the art simulation training center in Owensboro
• Increase shared instructional resources to increase healthcare program graduates

Next Steps: 

• Create operational organization and working agreements
• Hire staff
• Renovate and equip simulation center
• Build pathways
• Start accelerated education pathways and career recruitment

OCTC Foundation, Inc. | Growth

2021-22 Power of OCTC Annual Campaign

Goal: $425,000 | Total Raised: $429,966 -- 436 Gifts from 285 Donors

SCHOLARSHIPS Awarded Fall 2022 -- $196, 019 to 147 Students

OCTC | New Scholarships

BJ Killian Nursing This scholarship funds tuition, fees, and books to successfully complete the OCTC Nursing program. Students can be full or part-time and must have a minimum 2.75 cumulative or nursing GPA.

Ryan Family This scholarship is for students enrolled in the OCTC Engineering and Electronics Technology certificate, diploma, or associate degree program. Students can be full or part-time and must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.

VTNE Scholarship This scholarship is for full-time Veterinary Technology students in their final semester to assist with the Veterinary Technical National Examination (VTNE) fee. Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 in veterinary technology coursework and obtain a passing score on the VTNE.

Utica Masonic Lodge Working Tools for Life This scholarship is for students enrolled in any OCTC technical certificate, diploma, or associate in applied science degree program to purchase tools needed to successfully participate in and complete that program. Students must have a minimum 2.5 GPA and can either be full or part-time.

Project LIFT Scholarship This scholarship is for students in the Tech X program who need assistance to purchase program supplies and materials, especially if they are experiencing homelessness, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, or incarceration.

First Christian Church Heritage Scholarship This scholarship assists students of Burmese nationality or students whose primary language is not English. Students must be enrolled in a certificate, diploma, or associate degree program and have a minimum 2.0 GPA. The scholarship can be used for tuition, books, or program-related expenses.

NEW ENDOWMENT Title III E3 @ OCTC Multiple Business Endowment


Donna G. Abell
Gary A. Adams
Dr. Jacqueline S. Addington John Alexander
Matt Alschbach
AmazonSmile Foundation Dorrita A. Ashley
Atmos Energy Corporation
Azzip Pizza, LLC
B.J. Killian Foundation
Charles B. Backstrom
Mike & Joan Baker
Katie Ballard
Michael G. Ballard
Shanna Ballard
Baptist Health System Services Karri Barnett
Zara Basham 
Dr. Kevin Beardmore
Helen Bennett
Diana Bermejo
Stacey Bertke
Big Rivers Electric Corporation Don Blandford
Boardwalk Pipeline
Keith Boarman
Dr. Andrea Borregard
Jerry Bowen
Meredith Bowers
Joy Bowlds
Michael Boyd
Gary Braswell
John Bristow
Kaye Brown
Matthew Brown
Bryant Foundation, Inc.
Buffalo Wild Wings
Ronald Butler
Linda Calhoun
Maurice Calhoun
Jeff Carpenter
Kevin Carrico
Joseph Cecil
Champion Ford
Sandy Chandler
Robin Clark 
Scott and Ann Clay 
Leslie Clements 
Kirsten Clevenger 
Jason Clouse
Shannon Collins
Linda Conkright
Penni Conrad 
Judy Coomes
Kay Coomes
Paula Crabtree
Brittany Daniels
Daviess County Extension District Daviess County Teachers Federal Credit Union
Sharmy Davis
Donna DePasquale
Dollar General Literacy Foundation
Domtar - Hawesville
Domtar - Owensboro
Don Moore Automotive 
Dr. Lori Donahoo 
Kevin Dorth
Brent Dukate
The Duke Energy Foundation Janet Dukes
Wallace Duncan
Leslie Dunn
Renee Durand 
Mary Durr
Courtney Duvall 
Jody Dysinger
East Side Animal Hospital, PLLC
Dr. Stacy Edds-Ellis Pamela Edwards
Christy Ellis
Barry and Pat Embry Rebecca Englehart Farren Eubanks 
Farmers House Real Estate, LLC 
Field-Weller Endowment Fund 
Michael and Cindy Fiorella First Christian Church First Presbyterian Church Dr. Connie Ford 
Joe & Winifred Foster Fraternal Order of Eagles Kim and Alan Free
Steve and Peggy Gardner The Gene Haas Foundation German American Bank Brandon Gilles
Dr. Bob Glenn III
Diane Goetz, APRN, FNP-C Jan Goldman
Daniel Gonzalez
Greater Owensboro Chamber of Commerce Jessica Green
Lindsey Greer
Christian Grooms
Lauren Hagan
Rich Hall 
Casey Hamilton
Dr. Denise Hanes
M. Jane Hansford
Jim Hartz
Joan & Martin  Hayden Jeffrey Hendricks
Joy Herzog
Lesa Hibbs
Becky Hodskins
Kathy Hoffman
Allen W. Holbrook and Forrest Roberts
Mike Hoover
Michael Horn
Meredith Howard
Penny Howard
Doug Hoyt
Danny Huffman
Samantha Huffman Independence Bank
J and M Scholl, Inc.
J. Rogers Badgett, Sr. Foundation
Amy Jackson
James and Jacqueline Jackson
Anita Jackson
Jacqueline S. West Estate Dr. Bill Jansing
Kaye Johnson
Susan Jollay
Ellen Jones
Pat Jones
Lindsey Kafer
Nathan Kellen
Ken-tron Manufacturing, Inc. Kentuckiana Animal Clinic
Kentucky Corn Growers Association
Mike and Donna Koger 
Mary-Kaitlyne Koller
Kroger Companies
Jordan and April Lanham Mason Lanham 
Alitta Leachman
Dr. Julia Ledford 
Legends Sports Bar and Grill Dorothy Lewis
Livermore Masonic Lodge #186 LLD Investments, Inc. (McAlister’s Deli) 
Rhonda Logsdon 
Sylvia Lovett 
Dr. Mark and Mrs. Cindy Lynn Katrina Mack 
Dr. Marc Maltby
Marksberry Welding Service Raegan Marshall 
Jacob Martin 
Cathy Mattingly 
Courtney Mattingly 
Cristal and Dale Mattingly Ginger Mattingly
Jackie McCarthy 
Rebecca S. McCarty 
John A. Medley 
Meier TTA, LLC 
Dr. Joy Menser 
Metalsa Owensboro
Michael E. Horn Family Foundation 
Christi Midkiff 
Kitt Midkiff 
Suzanne Miles 
Imelda Millay 
Craig Miller 
Larry Miller 
Leon Mills 
Matt Monsour 
Connie Montgomery
Dr. Ed Morris 
Lena Morris 
Angie Morrison 
Will Mounts 
Kathy and Patrick Mowers 
MPD Inc. 
Angie K. Murphy 
Cindy and Samuel Murphy Murphy Farms 
Jeremy and Jama Murphy Richard Murphy 
Troy Muse 
Network for Good 
Dennis Newberry 
Emily Newton 
Ginger Norris 
Ben O’Bryan 
Heather O’Bryan 
Susan O’Bryan  
Ohio County Hospital
Oneall Brothers and Scholl 
Bill and Candida Onley Owensboro Health 
Owensboro Lions Club Owensboro Municipal Utilities Owensboro Noon Optimist Club Panda Restaurant Group 
Dr. Micah Perkins 
Cheryl Peters 
Brock Peterson 
Sheri Plain 
 Vivian Poole
Micheal and Katie Powers 
Sarah Price 
Public Life Foundation Real Hacienda Mexican Restaurant 
Dennis Redd 
Dr. Judith L. Rhoads 
Rice Agri-Marketing LLC
Rosa L. Richards 
Cecelia Robinson 
Haley Roby 
Michael Rodgers 
Stella Runyon 
Debbie Ruth 
Ryan Fund 
Dr. Veena and Mr. Suresh Sallan 
Keith Sanders 
Janice Schell 
Theresa Schmitt 
Ruth Schroader 
Diann Shock 
Rebecca Simon 
J.B. and Judy Skaggs 
Dr. Meredith Skaggs Skillman’s Auto Sales Nancy Smith 
Sharon Smith 
Antoine and Jeremiah Smith-Rouse 
Pamela Smith-Wright Sonya Southard 
Specialty Foods Group Inc. Mark A. Staynings Thaddeus Stelmach
Amy Fogle Stiff 
Larry Stone 
Craig Sutter 
Susan Swanson 
Dr. Eunice Taylor 
Joe Taylor 
Linda Taylor 
Texas Gas Transmission LLC The Benevity 
Brian Thomas 
Ceary Thomas 
Sheryl Thomas 
Barbara Tipmore 
Jeff & Bernadette Toye-Hale Tractor Supply Co. 
Utica Masonic Lodge #742 Robert Valentine 
Katie Vincent 
Melinda Voegel 
Linda Wahl 
Dr. Drew and Jeannette Ward 
Tom and Barbara Watson Lawrence Weill 
Sharla Wells 
West Side Truck Parts LLC Carrie Whitmer 
Thomas H. Whitsett 
Dr. Scott & Donna Williams Tim S. Williamson 
Wills Animal Hospital Alice Ford Wilson 
David Wilson 
Jane Wilson 
Nikki Wimpelberg 
Yeager Charitable Trust Dr. Jimmy Yu

Pillar Society Members (2016-present)

Donna Abell
American Electric Power Axiom Architecture PLLC
Baptist Health System Services
Dr. Kevin Beardmore Gary & Virginia Braswell Bryant Foundation, Inc. Champion Ford
Krupa Chavda
Daviess County Teachers Federal Credit Union
Julie Embry
Alan* and Becky Englehart
Field-Weller Endowment Fund
Cindy & Michael Fiorella Steve & Peggy Gardner Gateway Urgent Care
Dr. Jim Glenn
Greater Owensboro Economic Development Corporation
Green River Area CPH Sales
Green River Beef Improvement Group
Sally Hager Wood
Morton J. Holbrook III Horace L. Temple Unitrust Doug Hoyt Independence Foundation Dr. Julia Ledford
Livermore Masonic Lodge #186
Mike & Donna Koger William Kuegel*
Dr. Mark and Mrs. Cindy Lynn
John & Mary Medley
Dr. Joy Menser
Modern Welding Company, Inc.
Anthony Morris
Kathy & Patrick Mowers Cindy and Samuel Murphy Stephen Obermeier
Ohio County Hospital Owensboro Biotech Alliance
Owensboro Lions Club Charity Foundation, Inc.
Owensboro Noon Optimist Club
Jagrutiben Patel
Plumbers & Pipefitters Local Union 633
Public Life Foundation Tab & Vicki Quisenberry
Real Hacienda Mexican Restaurant
Ruth Schroader
Antoine & Jeremiah Smith-Rouse
Southwire Company
Loyd H. & Barbara St. John Steinkamp Lumber
Toyota Dealer Match Program
Tom Underwood
United Way of the Ohio Valley
Dr. Drew & Mrs. Jeannette Ward
Tom & Barbara Watson
Dr. & Mrs. Scott Williams Pam Wilson
Dr. Joseph Yazvac
Yelvington Volunteer Fire Dept.


Cornerstone Society Members (2016-present)

Dr. Jacqueline S. Addington Alcoa Foundation
Eric & Helena Anderson Todd & Joy Anderson
Association for Computing Machinery
Atmos Energy Corporation Barbara Bennett
Big Rivers Electric Corporation
B.J. Killian Foundation
Brothers in Blue Motorcycle Club
Cambron Body Shop Cathy Mattingly
Bill* and Sandy Chandler City of Owensboro
Neil and Kimberly Corley John Critcheloe
Dart Foundation
Daviess County Fiscal Court Delta Dental of Kentucky
Dollar General Literacy Foundation
Don Moore Automotive Evaline R. Reed Estate
Evansville Teachers Federal Credit Union
First Christian Church Alice Ford Wilson
Fraternal Order of Eagles, Yellow Banks Aerie #4168
German American Bank
Allen Holbrook and Forrest Roberts
Mike Horn
Impact 100 Owensboro
J. Rogers Badgett, Sr. Foundation, Inc.
Kentucky BioProcessing
Kentucky Business and Professional Women’s Foundation
Marilyn and William Young Foundation
Marksberry Welding Service Old National Bancorp Owensboro Health
Owensboro Municipal Utilities
Owensboro Professional Firefighter Local 870
Larry Roberts
RPM Foundation
Dr. Veena and Mr. Suresh Sallan
Rick Spear
Southeastern Construction Owners and Association Roundtable
Sullivan Mountjoy PSC Texas Gas Transmission, LLC The Gene Haas Foundation The Hager Foundation
The Owensboro Citizens Committee on Higher Education Foundation, Inc.
Time Warner Cable Wright Implement
Yeager Charitable Trust



Assets | Current Assets

OCTC Annual Report - Financial Health: Current Assets
Current Assets 2022 2021
Cash and cash equivalents 179,261 168,225
Restricted cash and cash equivalents 457,158 439,540
Unconditional promises to give 13,211 13,989
Other receivables 5,380 4,877
Pre-paid expenses 2,498 2,100
Total Current Assets 657,508  628,731 

Assets | Non-Current Assets

OCTC Annual Report - Financial Health: Non-Current Assets
Non-Current Assets 2022 2021
Non-current unconditional promises to give 1,450 12,730
Restricted investments 4,562,724 5,205,854
Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation 128,951 135,831
Other non-current assets (Cobra Project) 31,658 31,658
Total Non-current Assets 4,724,783 5,386,073
Total Assets 5,382,291 6,014,804

Liabilities & Net Assets

OCTC Annual Report - Financial Health: Liabilities
Liabilities 2022 2021
N/A 0 0
OCTC Annual Report - Financial Health: Net Assets
Net Assets 2022 2021
Without donor restrictions 363,007 344,335
With donor restrictions 5,019,284 5,670,469
Total Net Assets 5,382,291 6,014,804
Total Liabilities and Net Assets 5,382,291 6,014,804


Current Assets: $657,508 | Liabilities & Net Assets: $5,382,291

Mike Rodgers | Director of OCTC Foundation, Inc.

"A strong desire to help students succeed by removing barriers is the driving force behind our success."


Annie Phan

"The education I received from OCTC prepared me to get into a job I wanted and gave me the hope to fulfill my dreams.”

Alumni Serving Others by Giving Back

Annie Phan graduated from OCTC in 2018 with an Associate in Arts and was named the Outstanding Student for TRiO. She transferred to Western Kentucky University and graduated with honors in psychology. Today she works at Tamarack Elementary School helping English language learner students with reading, math, and writing.

She said, “The education I received from OCTC prepared me to get a job I wanted and gave me hope to fulfill my dreams. I am forever grateful for the faculty and staff who impacted my life while I was studying at OCTC. OCTC opened a door for me to further my education, and I will always call OCTC my home.”

Annie Phan - Tamarack Elementary School

Experiential Learning Center (ELC)

OCTC received a $2.1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Title III Strengthening Institutions program in September 2019 to implement the Experience3@OCTC initiative. The purpose of this five-year grant program (2019-2024) is to increase the exploration of careers and enhance the relevance of postsecondary education for OCTC’s students by providing a variety of experiential learning opportunities (ELOs), to include the following:

  • Work Experience – Students can participate in cooperative learning, practicums, internships, apprenticeships, and clinical experiences on- and off-campus where they can gain real world work experience that aligns with their degree programs.
  • Service Learning – Students can integrate service with academic study through volunteering and conducting humanitarian activities on-campus at events hosted by OCTC and through off-campus community events.
  • Course-Embedded – Students can participate in unique, hands-on opportunities within their individual courses through which they can improve their understanding of course materials through field observations, entrepreneurial activities, research, project-based learning, and other special experiential activities.

To further support quality ELOs for all OCTC students, OCTC faculty are participating in professional development opportunities, and a comprehensive Experiential Learning Center has been established to serve students, faculty, and the community. In addition, the grant has provided matching funds to create an endowment that will help OCTC sustain our efforts to encourage experiential learning. Proceeds generated from this endowment can provide stipends for low-income students to participate in non-paid internship opportunities, materials for course-embedded ELOs, continued professional development for OCTC faculty, and other needed supports. We are pleased to announce, through partnership with local business and industry, the final Experiential Learning Center endowment has been established in the amount of $240,000. The Title III E3 @ OCTC Multiple Businesses Endowment brings the overall total raised to support and sustain ELO activities to $540,000.

Nicole RalphNicole Ralph

Lauren HaganLauren Hagan
Success Coach

Jan GoldmanJan Goldman

Jackie McCarthyJackie McCarthy
Administrative Assistant

John BristowJohn Bristow
Success Coach



LOGAN HIMESAfter graduating in 2020 with his Associate in Applied Science in Electrical Technology, Logan doubled his income.

A Better Life

Logan Himes is an electrician at Daramic in Owensboro and troubleshoots for various electrical systems using PLCs and other tools.

Logan is an OCTC alum and says, “OCTC taught me how to use the tools I need to successfully and safely work on electrical systems.” After graduating in 2020 with his Associate in Applied Science in Electrical Technology, Logan doubled his income allowing him to provide a better life for himself and his family. Logan praises Marty Higdon, OCTC electrical technology program coordinator, “Marty is my favorite teacher. You can just tell he loves what he is doing, and he is always trying his best to connect to his students.”

While at OCTC, Logan was on the Dean’s List and President’s List for many semesters. When he is not working, he enjoys barbecuing, playing guitar, and spending time with his kids and fiancé. We appreciate Logan whose work ensures we have everyday conveniences like our car to go to work or golf carts to enjoy on the weekends!

Logan Himes - Daramic

New Grants Awarded | 2021-2022

New Grants Awarded at OCTC | 2021-2022

Alcoa Foundation – Advancing Children Through Outreach, an Academy in STEAM Project (ALCOA STEAM Project)

To engage a minimum of 150 middle and high school students, particularly those underrepresented in STEAM, through sharing information and utilizing engaging, hands-on learning activities.


07/01/2021 - 09/30/2022

Dollar General Literacy Foundation – Supporting SkillTrain Student Success During Covid

To expand SkillTrain’s reach in GED and ESL programs to serve families and provide transportation to students who otherwise wouldn’t be able to attend.


07/01/2021 - 06/30/2022

KY Council on Postsecondary Education GEER Summer Bridge Grant – OCTC’s Summer Scholars Program 2.0 Project

To increase the number of students who enroll in higher education, earn credentials, and enter the community as next generation leaders and mentors.


04/15/2022 - 12/31/2022

KY Council on Postsecondary Education Graduate Profile Academy – Kentucky Graduate Profile Academy

To build a campus-to-campus collaborative learning environment, aimed at equitable student-success outcomes—achieved through relevant work-based and experiential-academic requirements.


01/15/2022 - 06/30/2024

National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education Grant – Strengthening the Industry 4.0 Workforce through Virtual Reality Training Modules

To advance knowledge involving recruiting and serving youth and underrepresented groups in STEM and provide an industry-validated curriculum that strengthens the competency and global competitiveness of the advanced manufacturing workforce.


10/01/2021 - 09/30/2024

National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education Grant – Improving Technician Training in Industry 4.0 Technologies Using Competency-Based Education

To develop and pilot an innovative competency-based educational modality that supports student learning in emerging Industry 4.0 technologies.


05/01/2022 - 04/30/2025

Owensboro Health Community Health Investment Grant – Promoting Health Equity Through Allied Health Workforce Diversity Initiative

To increase youth and diversity interest in healthcare professions in the OCTC service area through the implementation of high impact engagement and outreach practices.


09/01/2021 - 07/31/2022

Lester E. Yeager Charitable Trust – OCTC and SkillTrain scholarships

To provide scholarships for students pursuing a credential or degree in technical programs at OCTC and those who are pursuing a general education diploma (GED) from SkillTrain.


01/01/2022 - 12/31/2022

Michael E. Horn Family Foundation – Project LIFT

To provide supplies and materials for students participating in OCTC’s TechX program.


11/01/21 - 11/30/22

Alumni Focus | Jennifer Simpson-Riggs

Jennifer Simpson-RiggsJennifer delivers mammograms “on the go” to areas without access.

Jennifer Simpson-Riggs is an all-star radiography technologist who is passionate about her field. Jennifer earned her Associate in Applied Science in Radiography in 1998 and passed three board exams.

After 23 years as a radiography technician and OCTC alumna, Jennifer still thoroughly enjoys the career she chose and encourages others to join this rewarding field, “I would highly recommend this program to anybody wanting to get into healthcare, but don’t be afraid of change, because it changes all the time, and can be so rewarding.”

Jennifer is certified in x-ray, cat scan, and mammography. She has worked in multiple settings from hospitals to private practice. Today, she is part of the team at Deaconess that operates a mobile mammography unit. Working three 10 to 12-hour shifts each week, she often starts her day between five and six in the morning. The destination is always different and takes quality healthcare to women in their own communities. Since the bus travels each day in parts of Kentucky and Indiana, the team works together to do quality control to ensure the machines and equipment are ready to go. Once everything is set up, they begin seeing patients who are thrilled to receive their care close to home.

She says she often hears from patients, “‘I’m so glad you guys are here or otherwise, I probably wouldn’t have gotten my mammogram.’ And that’s what I love about my job, plus I get to drive this big RV around, and I never thought I would be driving a 40-foot bus.”

Jennifer Simpson-Riggs - Deaconess

OCTC | Programs

OCTC | Programs - German American Bank & Independence Bank and GO FEMALES

German American Bank

Emergency Student Loan Program

The OCTC Foundation, Inc. and OCTC partnered with German American Bank on #GivingTuesday, November 30, 2021, to enhance the OCTC Emergency Student Loan Program. College students face many challenges, and this partnership will assist with removing barriers to student success. The program provides financial assistance to OCTC students who find themselves facing dire hardships or an unexpected financial situation and helps them complete their education, creating opportunities for a better life.

German American Bank’s generous gift of $25,000 to enhance this program shows their commitment to OCTC and the community and adds to a solid foundation for supporting student success for many years to come. We now have the ability serve additional students with the OCTC Emergency Student Loan Program fueled by German American Bank.

Independence Bank and GO FEMALES

Girls Empowerment Dinner

OCTC hosted the 5th Annual Girls Empowerment Trailblazer Dinner on March 3, 2022. Guest speaker Jen Bricker-Bauer inspired the 175 attendees to go for their dreams!

The attendees left energized and excited to chase the possibilities. Following her presentation, Jen took questions from the audience, signed autographs, and took photos. OCTC programs set up information beforehand for guests to learn about educational opportunities while they prepared to listen to the speaker.

We appreciate our partners who made this event possible: Independence Bank, GO FEMALES, and the OCTC Foundation, Inc.

Next year’s event is scheduled for March 2, 2023.

Alumni Focus | Mckenzie Mattingly

Mckenzie MattinglyWhen I started the RN to BSN program at the University of Kentucky, I felt well-prepared and confident in the foundation I had from the ADN nursing program at OCTC.

Mckenzie Mattingly, a pediatric nurse practitioner at Owensboro Pediatrics, believes the nursing program at OCTC prepared her for her journey from RN to BSN to DNP, “I had so many excellent teachers and clinical instructors who fanned the flame of my passion for the field of nursing. When I started the RN to BSN program at the University of Kentucky, I felt well prepared and confident in the foundation I had from the ADN nursing program at OCTC.” Mckenzie graduated from OCTC in 2009 with an Associate in Arts and in 2011 with an Associate in Applied Science in Nursing. She attended the University of Kentucky to earn her Bachelor of Science in Nursing and then continued on through their Doctorate of Nursing program. As she worked on her education, she also gained experience in healthcare facilities in Owensboro and Bowling Green.

Her day involves working in their office’s walk in sick clinic and seeing scheduled patients. From performing examinations, administering treatment, and ordering medications, Mckenzie is committed to helping her patients and their parents. Mckenzie’s dream of working in the medical field started as a child as she says, “I always knew I wanted to be a doctor or a nurse when I was little. I was inspired to choose pediatrics when I was in middle school when my grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer. My mother and I took her to all of her oncology appointments one summer at Vanderbilt Hospital. I remember seeing children who were my age and younger who were waiting in the waiting room with us to see the oncologist. I decided I wanted to work with sick children when I got older because I couldn’t imagine going through a difficult illness as a child, and I wanted to be able to help those children and their families in any way that I could.”

As a pediatric nurse practitioner, she has published two articles and has had the opportunity to speak to local students about entering the medical field. She also enjoyed dance during middle school and college and has passed that expertise along in dance classes as well. When she isn’t working, she enjoys reading, working out, and spending time with family and friends. Mckenzie has accomplished so much and still sets goals for herself as she now plans to write a book.

Mckenzie Mattingly - Owensboro Pediatrics

OCTC | Ways to Give

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Every Gift Counts!

Current gifts are immediate such as cash, checks, online gifts, or a transfer of stock.

Pledged gifts are made over a period of months or years.

Endowments are an investment in the future. With an endowed gift, you provide permanent support for a scholarship, program, or service of your choice.

Planned gifts include bequests through a will, retirement plan assets, charitable trusts, life insurance, investments, and estate gifts. Planned gifts can be made now or deferred to a later time.

Gifts-in-Kind are donations of time, space, or equipment that can be used or sold by the college.

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OCTC Foundation Annual Giving

4800 New Hartford Road
Owensboro, KY 42303
(270) 686-4663
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Save the Date | OCTC Foundation, Inc. Upcoming Events

OCTC Annual Supporter Celebration

Nov. 3, 2022 | 4-6 p.m. | OCTC Main Campus, IIC Lobby, 4800 New Hartford Road

Presented by German American Bank

Grant G. Talbott III Memorial 5K Run/Walk

Saturday, Nov. 5, 2022

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Nov. 29, 2022

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