Information for Vendors | OCTC

Information for Vendors

We have prepared a step-by-step guide to doing business with Owensboro Community and Technical College.

Vendors wanting to do business with OCTC are also invited to review the extensive information for Vendors managed centrally by KCTCS, including formal invitations to bid with KCTCS.

Supplier Program

Suppliers wishing to do business with OCTC are encouraged to pre-qualify by registering as a New Vendor.

Purchasing FAQs

Pleasevisit the KCTCS websitefor bid opportunities.

KCTCS and its colleges are agencies of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and maintained by the Commonwealth pursuant to Kentucky Revised Statutes, Section 164.580 through 164.600. OCTC, as a college of KCTCS, is subject to the Kentucky Model Procurement Code, KRS 45A. KCTCS Purchasing is vested with the responsibility for procurement of all goods and services in accordance with the above referenced procurement law, and for making the final determination of the source of supply for KCTCS' colleges.

In the event your company is chosen as the winning bidder, you will need to be added to the KCTCS Vendor List. If you need assistance, please email the OCTC Business Office.

Your company must be added to the KCTCS Vendor List. This will allow us to request a check from KCTCS System Office for payment or ACH electronic deposit payment.

Invoices should reference the respective purchase order number and be sent to KCTCS, Accounts Payable, 300 North Main Street, Versailles, KY 40383. Invoices received without the purchase order referenced will result in a delay of payment

 Payments are made within 30 days after the invoice is received, in accordance with KRS 45.453. Certain factors may delay payment such as receipt of incorrect items, incorrect invoices, invoices damaged through the mail or invoices sent to incorrect addresses. OCTC tries to resolve any issues with the vendor in an expedient manner to avoid delayed payment.  
 To check payment status, you may contact OCTC's Business Office at (270) 686-4416. Please reference the purchase order number relating to the specific invoice.  

Yes. The College is exempt from sales tax in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and is exempt from certain federal excise taxes. Requests from suppliers for tax exemption forms should be referred to OCTC's Business Office.

Tax exempt number: A20633


Owensboro Community and Technical College (OCTC), as a college of KCTCS, has an assigned purchasing agent who will manage and facilitate all purchase orders with KCTCS/OCTC. The only employees authorized to commit the college for purchases are the KCTCS assigned purchasing professionals. As such, KCTCS purchasing agents generate and route purchase orders.

The only exception to this is the college's purchasing card program. College employees who have received a purchasing card have the authority to make restricted purchases up to a specified dollar limit on their cards.

If an OCTC purchasing card is not being used, vendors should always be sure to obtain a signed purchase order or authorized purchase order number before shipping or providing items/ services to any OCTC department.

Any other questions...

For more information, clarification, or if you have any questions, please contact:

Sarah Price
Vice President of Business Affairs
Owensboro Community and Technical College
4800 New Hartford Road
Owensboro, KY 42303
Phone: (270) 686-4501
Fax: (270) 686-4433
Email Sarah Price.

Appointment Hours are 8 a.m. noon and 1- 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday

Cold calls are not encouraged.