Veterinary Technician: Not all Super Heros Wear Capes | OCTC

Veterinary Technician: Not all Super Heros Wear Capes

by Dr. Laura Boarman - September 27, 2024

Reflecting on my time in practice, I cherish the moments spent working alongside the veterinary technicians whom I am proud to call colleagues. These dedicated individuals were the backbone of our practice, providing compassionate support to both patients and their owners. Each day, they took on roles such as comforter, counselor, phlebotomist, nutritionist, x-ray technician, mediator, and feral cat wrangler! With their in-depth knowledge of animal physiology, disease processes, and treatment protocols, veterinary technicians are akin to nurses in human healthcare.

I have been fortunate to work alongside some of the finest veterinary technicians. Their compassion, grit, and determination were unmatched, and I had the privilege of seeing the positive impact they made on the lives of my patients. They have taught me a great deal about what it means to be both a caregiver and a human being.

5 lessons I’ve learned from my technicians:

  1. It’s okay to ask for help. In vet school, we're often pressured to have all the answers, and admitting "I don't know" can be tough for new veterinarians. However, by setting aside our pride and seeking assistance, we enhance our learning, grow professionally, and ultimately benefit our patients.
  2. Keep it together! Vet techs wear many hats in the veterinary hospital. At any given moment, they might be preparing the veterinarian for the next case, placing an IV catheter in a dehydrated poodle, and supervising a new kennel assistant preparing a patient for discharge—all the while, a hit-by-car patient is rushed through the door. Amidst all this, a skilled and composed technician handles every situation with grace and expertise. 
  3. A hug and a smile go a long way. Compassion fatigue and burnout are widespread issues in the veterinary field and are major factors contributing to the high rates of veterinary suicide in this country. Having colleagues who understand these unique challenges and frustrations, and who can provide a supportive hug or a listening ear, can be invaluable.
  4. Check your ego at the door. Veterinary technicians know that at the end of the day, it’s not about who gets the credit, it’s about saving lives.
  5. Laughter is the best medicine. Never underestimate the power of a good laugh and a well-timed prank in boosting morale during a tough week. From an air horn taped to the practice manager’s office chair to a mischievous Christmas elf who keeps appearing in unsuspecting places, my veterinary technicians were the best of the best when it came to keeping me on my toes and my sides aching with laughter.

This month we celebrate these unsung heroes of the veterinary world. October 13-19, 2024, is National Veterinary Technician Week. I hope each of you will join me in saying “thank you” for the difference they make in our pet’s lives. 

Vet tech holding a dog while a vet applies a bandage to it's foot. With words reading Celebrate Vet Tech Week Oct. 13-19, 2024

Celebrate Vet Tech Week Oct. 13-19, 2024