Katie’s Top 10 Tips for Having a Great First (and every!) College Semester @ OCTC | OCTC

Katie’s Top 10 Tips for Having a Great First (and every!) College Semester @ OCTC

by Katie Ballard - July 25, 2024

Welcome students to OCTC! We are so glad you have chosen to attend Owensboro Community & Technical College. More importantly, you can be very proud of yourself for taking this huge step. Attending college will change your life….for the better!

As a college advisor for over 35 years I wanted to share some tips with you as well as some of my own experiences and mistakes from my college years. Although it has been quite a while, I remember my first year of college vividly! I was very shy and had very little confidence in myself. I was also not the best high school student (gasp!). I grew up in a small town in Eastern Kentucky where career options were few. I didn’t want to work at our local sewing factory, a bank, or teach so I thought “I guess I’ll go to college”. Like most of us I learned a lot of things the “hard” way – by experience. I attended a HUGE four-year college with 5 times the population of my hometown. Many of my classes had over 200 students!

Some of the things I did “right”:

  • Went to (almost) every single class my whole 6 years of college
  • Never considered giving up (even when I was really struggling)
  • Kept my “end goal” in mind
  • Worked on campus part-time (Work-Study! It’s a great option for many)
  • Took at least 1 “fun” class each semester
  • Worked fast food in the summer; helped me to appreciate college more in the fall!
  • Met with my advisor and other faculty in my subject area several times; discussed career plans, etc.
  • Joined a campus organization

Things I messed up!

  • Didn’t always pay attention to due dates and dates of exams in syllabus; walked into a Sociology class at WKU having NO CLUE that we had a huge exam that day. Worst experience; don’t recommend
  • Procrastinated a LOT; would start on papers right before the deadline and be in panic mode until they were completed. Yes, sometimes my grade suffered as a result. Nearly didn’t finish my statistics “self-paced” class. Only the fear of having to repeat it made me finish/pass this class!
  • Didn’t get enough sleep; I fell asleep in a morning, small literature class one semester and yes, the instructor called on me. I woke up hearing “blah, blah, “Katie”??? I was mortified.
  • Had all 8 am classes my very first semester. (See item above!)
  • Sometimes I waited too long to review my notes from classes; my notes wouldn’t always make sense!

Between my experiences and 22 years of assisting our OCTC students I have gathered the below suggestions to help you have a better start in college. Please know, we believe in you and want to help you succeed!

  1. Go to class! Yes, I know, this should be obvious. When all else fails go to EVERY single class session when possible. Even if you are struggling in your class your instructor will see that you are making an effort to succeed in the class. Taking online classes? Log into your class in Blackboard the first day classes are open. This is how your instructor knows you are “attending”.
  2. Talk to your instructors; ask questions. Sit as close to the front as possible. Your instructors are here to help you do well – if you are uncomfortable asking them a question during class, wait and talk to them right before or after class. Let them know if you are having trouble in their class and ask for help. Meet with them during their office hours. They need to get to know you!
  3. Check your Student Self Service on “My Path” to become familiar with your college information. This site has all your academic, personal, and financial aid/tuition balance information. Final grades are posted here (not in Blackboard). You may have a “To DO” item in your Student Self Service. Also, highly recommend downloading our KCTCS “app” on your phone. This will make it easy to check email, etc.
  4. Check your KCTCS email daily! (Even before the semester begins.) Colleges use your school email for everything! Oh, and that “other” folder that is in your KCTCS outlook calendar? Check it too! Or better yet, go into your email settings and turn “off” the “focused” email option. The only reason something goes to your “other” folder is because it was sent to more than one student. Emails about graduation, scholarships; even emails from a class instructor could possibly go to your “other” email box.
  5. Get as organized as possible; use some type of physical planner/calendar that you will see daily. Record not only due dates but also note when you should start a project/paper (then start it a week earlier just in case!) For some students, organization does not come easily. Use what works for you! Check our website (and your semester schedule) for the first day of classes.
  6. If you are working full time and/or taking care of family members, try not to overload your academic schedule. Talk with your advisor (and financial aid) to see if going part-time is a better option for you. Taking on “too much” is the number 1 reason students will struggle academically.
  7. Study/review your notes and class work AS SOON AS POSSIBLE after your class. Brain research shows us that you will forget more than 75% if you wait over 24 hours. Plan on spending some study/review/homework time a little each day. Find – USE – the Tutoring Center. It is FREE and they do a wonderful job with helping students in all subjects. When preparing for a project/paper plan on adding double the time to complete it that you think you will need. (It almost ALWAYS takes longer to finish something than you initially think it will.)
  8. Know where to go for academic and personal support on campus. OCTC has the very best faculty and staff who all want to help you; just let us know how. Not sure where to start? Contact our Pathfinder Den office at octc.pathfinderden@kctcs.edu or stop by the lower level of the Campus Center Building in Room 100. You will find a lot of smiling faces. Speaking of smiling faces, be sure to contact/meet your academic advisor as soon as possible after the semester begins! In addition to helping with registration they do so much more! Need a listening ear? Got it. Need information on who can help with tutoring, counseling, financial aid etc.? They can help connect you to ALL of these services and more.
  9. Confused about your future career? Major? We can help! We have professional staff who can help you with career exploration, job shadowing, resume preparation, etc. Visit with the Experiential Learning Center Success Coaches in Pathfinder Den, lower level of the Campus Center Building. Do not underestimate how powerful volunteering/job shadowing can be. It is a “win/win” for you; it will help you get a better idea of what you like and don’t like, it may lead to a JOB, it will help with references, and you may just discover your true calling in life!
  10. Most important one of all; don’t give up! Each semester is a new beginning; talk with our faculty and advisors and let us know how we can help you!

Katie Ballard

Katie Ballard has served in the roles of Academic Advisor, Career Counselor, and Transfer Coordinator at OCTC for the past 22 years. Before OCTC, 16 years of previous experience in housing, advising, admissions, counseling and financial aid. She has a Master of Arts in Higher Education; emphasis in Student Personnel Services from Western Kentucky University.