Nursing | OCTC

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All OCTC Campuses closed Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2025.


For those students who know they want a nursing career this program is custom made to get you on the fastest path!

Program Contact
Lori Sharp Donahoo DNP, RN, CNE
Director of Nursing
(270) 686-4548
GET STARTED TODAY (270) 686-4400


Nursing Fast Path for High School Students

Owensboro Community and Technical College (OCTC) and local high schools teamed up to allow students the opportunity to admit directly from high school into the OCTC nursing program. Students selected for OCTC’s Fast Path Nursing will have the opportunity to complete a nursing degree within two years of graduation from high school!

Graduates will earn an Associate in Applied Science in Nursing degree. Program graduates are prepared to apply and take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). OCTC has an exceptional pass rate for students taking the test for the first time. OCTC’s associate degree nursing program is approved by the Kentucky Board of Nursing and is accredited by the National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation.

In order to qualify for Fast Path nursing students must be approved by their high school and have a minimum 3.0 high school GPA. The next step is to apply to OCTC as a dual credit high school student.

3 female medical students.

Getting Started

How does it work?

Interested students take the prerequisites for the nursing program while still in high school. You can flex schedule these courses but they must be taken before high school graduation.

Nursing Fast Path Courses
Course Number Course Name Credit Hours
NAA 100 Nursing Assistant 3*
PSY 110 Psychology 3*
ENG 101 English (also called AP English 4) 3*^
MAT 150 College Algebra 3*^
BIO 137 Anatomy & Physiology I 4*

#OCTC Dual Credit taken at OCTC on campus or at approved high school.
*OCTC Dual Credit taken at OCTC on campus, online or at approved high school.
^This course meets your 4th high school requirement.

What Else Do I Need to Know?

Other Information

For the 2022-2023 academic year, dual credit students receive a discounted tuition rate of 50% ($91/per credit hour).

Students in Kentucky public or private high schools, or Kentucky home schools, in Grades 11 or 12 may apply for the Dual Credit Scholarship.

Students can also apply for the Work Ready Kentucky Dual Credit Scholarship. This scholarship is available to students enrolled in approved Career and Technical Education coursework leading to a high-demand credential.

We will send tuition bills via U.S. mail. Fall tuition is due in November. Spring tuition is due in April. If you do not receive a bill, your tuition was most likely covered by one of the scholarships or dual credit waivers.

You can log on to your Student Self-Service and check your balance to confirm that your tuition was paid. NOTE: Bills will reflect the discount of the regular tuition (shown as a “KCTCS Dual Credit Waiver”) resulting in a tuition charge at the discounted rate. For questions about your bill, contact our Business Office at (270) 686-4669.

If your high school awards high school credit for an OCTC class, tuition for the class will be at the dual credit rate (2022-2023 rate of $91 per credit hour). Any class that your high school allows you to take during the school day is generally dual credit, as is any OCTC online class that the high school recommends. Some classes are NOT available for dual credit. These include classes numbered below 100, those that begin with the FYE prefix, and those offered online from another KCTCS college. We will confirm dual credit eligibility and adjust the tuition rate on your bill after classes are underway each semester.
Dual credit students are responsible for the resources required for the class. These include textbooks, online resources, and class testing charges. But there is good news! Dual credit students do not have to pay the online course fee or the BuildSmart fee. These will be reduced to zero for any dual credit coursework.
Students enrolling in technical programs on the OCTC campus may be eligible for support for up to eight credit hours per semester. Contact Courtney Duvall for more information.
You are responsible for purchasing your textbooks for all your college classes. Books can be obtained at the OCTC Bookstore or you can shop around at other locations or via the web.

Required Courses calculated into your GPA:

Required Courses calculated into your GPA:
Course Number Course Name
NAA 100 Nursing Assistant Skills
MAT 150 College Algebra & Functions
PSY 110 General Psychology
BIO 137 Human Anatomy & Physiology I

Additional courses that may be calculated into your GPA (when completed before March 1 of your Senior year):

Additional courses that may be calculated into your GPA (when completed before March 1 of your Senior year):
Course Number Course Name
BIO 139 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIO 225 Medical Microbiology
ENG 101 Writing I
A heritage or humanities course

Your cumulative college GPA and your Nursing GPA will both be considered for admission. You will get credit for the highest GPA.

Your GPA only factors in those courses that are required for our nursing degree. It is calculated by dividing your total Quality Points by your total number of credit hours earned. Quality points are determined by the credit hours assigned to the course and the grade received. “A” = 4 points; “B” = 3 points; “C” = 2 points; “D” = 1 point. To calculate Quality Points earned in a particular course, multiply the number of credit hours allotted to the course and the grade received. For example: Medical Microbiology is a 4 credit hour course. If you earn a grade of “C” (2 points) multiply 4(credit hours) x 2 (grade) = 8 Quality Points. If you earn a grade of “A” (4 points) multiply 4(credit hours) x 4(grade) = 16 Quality Points. To calculate your Nursing GPA you divide your total number of Quality Points (QP) by your total number of credit hours.

Approval from the high school and a minimum high school GPA of 3.0. Composite score on ACT of 20 or higher OR ATI TEAS composite score of 58.7 or higher (by March 15 of Senior year).

College GPA-2.75 or higher in the nursing courses above. NAA 100 and SRNA licensure (You are responsible for testing and liability insurance fees approx-$130).

Yes! Tutoring is available and it is FREE! OCTC offers tutoring in every subject through the Teaching and Learning Center located in the lower level of the Learning Resource Center.

As an OCTC student, you have access to your student information online once you activate your self-service account.

Here’s how:

  • Visit our website at and select Quick Links>Current Students.
  • Select “User Account Center.”
  • Select “Setup User Profile” and enter your KCTCS student ID number (002XXXXXX) and your birthdate and month.
  • Once you create your password, you can log in to our student information  system with your KCTCS username by visiting our  website and selecting “MyPath”
  • Grades are posted to your Student Self-Service at the end of each semester. NO grade reports are mailed.
  • Federal laws (FERPA) prevent OCTC personnel from sharing information with parents.
The ATI TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) Assessment is a 170 question, time-limited,  multiple choice, proctored assessment designed to test basic knowledge in reading, mathematics, science and English and language usage.

ATI TEAS Study Guides may be checked out from the Learning Resource Center on a one (1) week loan. We have four (4) copies of the study guide on main campus and two (2) at the downtown campus. TEAS is now offered Monday – Thursday between the hours of 9:30 A.M. – 3:30 P.M. and one Friday each month at 9:30 A.M.
You can register for the TEAS assessment by calling (270) 686-4444 or by visiting Have your KCTCS student ID number handy. The ATI TEAS Assessment fee is $90. You’ll  need to bring a photo ID and your KCTCS student ID number to the testing site. You may  retake the TEAS a maximum of 3 times per year with a 4-week  waiting period between sessions.

If you take the TEAS at OCTC,  you will not need to do anything. We will pull the scores from and enter them in as part of your student record. If you tested at another KCTCS college you may be able to have someone at that campus enter your scores into PeopleSoft. If not, you must go to ATI’s online store at and request transcripts. There is a  $27 charge (subject to change). Transcripts are sent immediately by email.

For more information on the ATI TEAS Assessment as well as information on purchasing a study guide and online practice tests, please visit, or contact

Letters of acceptance are sent to applicants approximately 4-6  weeks following the application deadlines. You will be notified via your OCTC email account. If you  are accepted, the email will contain orientation information and other important details. For those accepted, you will begin  your transition into the adult nursing program in the fall. You will be notified via your OCTC e-mail account by the nursing department if you have been  accepted. The e-mail will contain the next steps for fall registration and nursing admissions.

If you are accepted into the nursing program, you’ll want to get a head start on the following tasks: fill out a new OCTC  admissions application to update your status as a high school  graduate (check first time college student, even though you are not). Ask your high school  guidance counselor to send your final high school transcript with your graduation date to OCTC Student Records.

Complete your FAFSA at

If you have not been accepted, the nursing department will  notify you via your OCTC e-mail account.
You are still ahead and have accomplished so much! You will need to decide if you still want  to major in nursing or pursue another program. If you need  help figuring out your options, contact Maurice Calhoun, our  Healthcare Careers Success Coach at (270) 852-8158.

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