
(Find articles, videos, and other information in our databases)

Electronic Books
(EBSCO, Gale)


Student Services
(One-to-one assistance, interlibrary loan, ID card)

Ask a Librarian

How To Do Research
(Tutorials, citing, web evaluations)

About the Library
(Locations, Hours, Information Literacy, Mission, Policies)

Faculty & Staff Services
(Instruction for classes, print requests, interlibrary loan, Employee ID)

Library Guides
(i.e. Infoguides, Libguides)
Library Databases

A large collection of articles and they even have citation tools! You can get specific or keep it general when searching.

Gale OneFile
A scholarly journal database made for college students.

Gale Opposing Viewpoints
Hundreds of topics with the positive and negative views of each in this database.

Films on Demand
A large collection of articles and they even have citation tools! You can get specific or keep it general when searching.

EBSCOhost Consumer Health Complete
"Your health matters!" Use this database to get the latest health and wellness information.

GALE Health & Wellness Center
Interested in a health or medicine issue? Get the latest news or in-depth coverage.

KYVL (Kentucky Virtual Library)
A platform for Kentucky libraries and institutions to share their digital collections.

Washington Post
Breaking news and analysis on politics, business, world and national news, entertainment, and more.