Student Services
Obtain a Student ID/Library Card
A student ID card, which is also a library card, is available to OCTC students. This ID is required to borrow library materials (including reserve items) and to place requests. (A copy of your current class schedule and a government issued ID are required to get this card.) You may apply for a card Monday-Friday during our regular hours. Community patrons may review Circulation Policies on our About Us page for information about an OCTC library card and its use.
The OCTC Library staff will help you:
Locate Library Materials
Demonstrate how and where items are shelved.
Search Online
Explain the various research databases and internet links on our web pages and instruction
in their use.
Explore a Research or Speech Topic
Recommend alternative search terms. Offer suggestions to help broaden or narrow the
search/subject. Explain the difference between a scholarly and non-scholarly source
of information.
Use Library Equipment
Provide instruction in the use of the copier, computer monitor magnifier, and computer
Obtain a Library Card/Student ID card
A library card is available to students, employees, and community members. A library
card is required to borrow library materials (including reserve items) and to place
Place a Request
A hold request is for an item already checked out from our collection. An interlibrary
loan (ILL) request is for an item that cannot be found locally.