Business & IT | OCTC

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All OCTC Campuses closed Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2025.

Business & IT

  1. CIT 105: Introduction to Computers OR
    OST 105: Intro. to Information Systems
  2. BAS 160: Introduction to Business
  3. ACC 201: Financial Accounting
  4. CIT 130: Productivity Software OR
    OST 240: Software Integration OR
    BAS 110: Worksheets in Business Application
  5. ECO 101: Contemporary Economic Issues


  6. ACT 196: Payroll Accounting
  7. ACT 279: Computerized Accounting Systems


  8. BAS 120: Personal Finance
  9. ACC 202: Managerial Accounting


  10. ENG 101: Writing I
    COM 181: Basic Public Speaking
    COM 252: Intro to Interpersonal Communication


This pathway leads to 9 tracks; however, not all tracks are available at all institutions teaching Business Administration Courses.

  • Accounting
  • Business Management
  • Equine Business Management
  • Hospitality Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Informatics
  • Management
  • Marketing & Retailing
  • Office Systems
  • Real Estate Management

Additional courses will be added when curriculum is updated

  1. CIT 105: Introduction to Computers
    OST 105: Introduction to Information Systems
  2. BAS 160: Introduction to Business
  3. ACC 201: Financial Accounting
  4. BAS 282: 
    Principles of Marketing
  5. ECO 101: Contemporary Economic Issues
    Certificate: General Business Certificate
  6. BAS 283 Principles of Management
  7. Track Specific Course
  8. Track Specific Course
  9. Track Specific Course
  10. ENG 101: Writing I
    COM 181: Basic Public Speaking
    COM 252: Intro to Interpersonal Communication

This pathway leads to 8 tracks; however, not all tracks are available at all intuitions teaching Computer Information Technology Courses.

  • Business Software & Support
  • Data Center Technologies
  • Information Security
  • Internet Technologies
  • Network Administration
  • Network Technologies
  • Programming
  • Video Game Design
  1. CIT 105: Introduction to Computers
    A+ Prep
  2. CIT 111: Computer Hardware & Software
  3. CIT 170: Database Design Fundamentals 
  4. CIT 160:
    Intro to Networking Concepts OR
    CIT 161:
    Introduction to Networks
    Certificate: Computer Tech Basic
  5. MAT 126 Technical Algebra Trigonometry (or higher)
  6. CIT 180: Security Fundamentals
    Certificate: Security Prep + AND Computer Technician
  7. CIT 120: Computational Thinking
  8. CIT 144: Python  I
    Certificate: CIT Fundamentals
  9. TBD by Track
  10. ENG 101: Writing I