Placement Testing & Assessment | OCTC

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Placement Testing & Assessment

Cartoon - Woman EmailingWe want to make sure students are set up for success at OCTC, so we use placement tests to help students select their first math and English courses. Test taking can sometimes be intimidating, but that's why we have the information below available to all prospective students.

Our Testing Center is staffed with compassionate individuals who will walk you through the steps of taking these placement tests. Sometimes, the placement tests are required at OCTC and our Testing Center wants to help get you prepared for them.

What is a placement test?

We use KYOTE and EdReady, which are computerized placement tests. The purpose of the tests is to place students in their first math and/or English courses they would succeed best in.

What subject areas are tested?

Students may test in Math, Reading (comprehension), and English/Writing (editing).

How do I know if I'm exempt from testing?

Placement tests are not required for all students. You may be exempt from all or part of the placement testing requirement based on:

  • Your ACT scores in reading, mathematics, and English
  • Successful completion of English/Writing and Math from previous college coursework
  • High school GPA

Cartoon - Woman ReadingWhat can I do to prepare for testing?

Apply online for admission to OCTC to receive a Student ID # if you do not already have one.

Have you been out of school for a few years? Do you need to refresh your skills before taking the test? See where you currently place in Math and English by following the EdReady steps below.


Create your EdReady account (compatible with Google Chrome and Firefox) using a laptop or personal computer. Have your KCTCS Student ID # available. Have an email address that you can access. 

  • Go to EdReady - OCTC
  • Click "GET STARTED"
  • Enter the requested information: you must include your email address.
  • Click "Sign Up for EdReady"
  • You will receive an email asking you to verify your email address; click on the link in your email to verify your email address.
  • Log in to EdReady using your email address and the password you created. 
    EdReady Log In Graphic
  • Enter the key for the testing goal. Keys are – MathOnline or EnglishOnline (case sensitive)
    EdReady Enter Key
  • Go to "Goal" or add another Key/goal if you want to take both tests
  • Click on "Start diagnostic"

Need help?

Follow along with this navigation video. A "Help" button will be on the screen as you work through the diagnostic placement test.

Understanding the Diagnostic ScoresTesting - Man Celebrating

So you got a 60 in the math diagnostic placement test, but what does that mean? Is that bad? NO!

A math score of 55 or higher shows that you are ready for College Algebra. Not all students need College Algebra; please check with an advisor to see what level of math you need. 

An English score of 70 or above shows you are ready for College Writing. All degree-seeking students will need at least one English class for their degree.

There is a Study Path associated with both diagnostic tests that you are welcome to work in. Email the START Center for more information!

We have several options for those who don't meet the needed scores. Please call our Testing Center at (270) 686-4533 or email the START Center to explore your options.

How do I schedule a testing session?

Call or email the Testing Center at (270) 686-4533 or email the START Center! Testing is available online or in person by appointment.

OCTC Placement Guidelines 

All scores listed are minimum required scores.

MATHEMATICS Assessment and Course Placement

MATHEMATICS Assessment and Course Placement

Placement Level


ACT Math


Ed Ready



Study Path

Calculus   27 Calculus 15    

MAT 175 Calculus I

STA 220 Statistics

College Algebra 3.2 22 College Algebra (KALG) 14 65 86

MAT 155 Trigonometry or 

MAT 150 College Algebra 

If planning to continue to MAT 175:  MAT 150 and MAT 155 (may be taken in the same semester)

Quantitative Reasoning/College

Algebra pathway

3.0 19

College Algebra (KALG) 7

Math Placement (KMATH) 22

55 68

MAT 150 College Algebra with MAT 100 (sections must match) or 

MAT 141 Liberal Arts Mathematics or
MAT 126 Technical Algebra & Trig

AAS Mathematics

2.8 18 Math Placement (KMATH) 18 50 63

MAT 116 Technical Mathematics or 

MAT 110 Applied Mathematics

Quantitative Reasoning

2.2 16 Math Placement (KMATH) 12 41 59

MAT 126 with MAT 126S (sections must match)

MAT 116 with MAT 116S (sections must match)

Quant. Reasoning


Any HS GPA Any score Any score Any score MAT 141 with MAT 141S (sections must match)


SkillTrain for those needing MAT 126

READING Assessment and Course Placement

READING Assessment and Course Placement
Placement Level HS GPA ACT English KYOTE EdReady PLACEMENT
Diagnostic Study Path
College Ready 3.0 20 20 70 95

No reading course required 

(ENG 101 with ENG 100 lab required if student does not test into ENG 101 based on English score)

Corequisite 2.2 16 12 56 72 ENG 101 with ENG 100 lab with supplemental instruction 
  SkillTrain enrichment

ENGLISH Assessment and Course Placement

ENGLISH Assessment and Course Placement
Placement Level HS GPA ACT English TABE A EdReady PLACEMENT
Diagnostic Study Path
Advanced   25       ENG 105 Writing:  An Accelerated Course provided that the student has an ACT Reading score of 20 or equivalent
College Ready 3.0 18 12.8 70 95 ENG 101 Writing I
Corequisite 2.2 14 9.0 56 72 ENG 101 with ENG 100 lab with supplemental instruction 
  Placement based on Reading assessment

Note:  Adult learners with a high school diploma or equivalency but without a KCTCS recognized placement score or GPA will be placed into a corequisite math and English course and a reading supplemented general education course as their default placement if they do not wish to test.

Dual credit placement – General Education Dual credit placement – Technical

Students may be admitted and placed into general education courses with a high school GPA or test scores as noted above;

AND any course-specific requirements in the KCTCS catalog

A current high school GPA of 2.0;

AND any course-specific requirements in the KCTCS catalog