The Owensboro Community & Technical College Bookstore, operated by Barnes & Noble College is your number-one source for used books, textbook rentals, and price matches!
Used Books
If a textbook is being used again for the next semester, students can potentially receive up to 50% of their original purchase price back from the bookstore some exclusions apply.
Textbook Rentals
If a text has a rental option, students can save up to 50% off the purchase price.
Price Match
The bookstore will price-match Amazon and bn.com. Some exclusions apply.
The OCTC Bookstore also keeps a variety of the following on hand
- OCTC apparel and gifts
- Barnes & Noble gift cards
- Snacks and drinks
-Financial Aid charges typically begin one week before the first day of class for each semester (Fall, Spring and Summer).
-A Photo ID and Schedule (with ID Number) are required for ALL Bookstore charges!
Online ordering at ShopOCTC.
-Choose “OWENSBORO” for all of your OCTC textbooks.
-Financial Aid, Credit Cards and Paypal are acceptable methods of payment.
-Online orders are usually processed within 24 hours from the time we receive the order. Orders are shipped via UPS.
Note: Financial Aid online orders will not be processed and shipped until your Financial Aid has been verified during the charge period. However, you place your order ahead of time. Once your aid has been verified, your order will be processed.
Monday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (closed 12 - 12:30 p.m.)
Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Note: These hours are subject to change without notice.
Contact Us
Location: Campus Center (upper level)
Phone: (270) 686-4523 or (270) 686-4614
Fax: (270) 686-4617
Email: octc.bookstore@kctcs.edu
Store Manager: Sonya Southard
Assistant Manager: Larry Waters