TRiO Student Support
The TRIO program offers academic and personal support to income eligible students, first generation students (meaning their parents did not earn a 4-year degree), and disabled students who are enrolled at OCTC. The goal of the program is to reduce barriers to help students successfully complete classes, graduate, and/or transfer to a 4-year institution. Once students become active members, they remain a member and receive our services for the duration of their college career. All Services are provided at no cost to participants.
Owensboro Community & Technical College
TRiO Student Support Services
TRIO will provide:
- Academic advising and assistance in planning degree programs
- Free tutoring
- Career advising
- Resume preparation
- Participation in community enrichment opportunities
- Help applying for and understanding the financial aid process
- Financial literacy workshops
- Visits to four-year institutions to discuss transfer options
Participants' Responsibilities:
- Meet with one of the TRiO advisors each semester
- Meet with a peer coach
- Complete a financial literacy session
OCTC TRiO Student Testimonies:
We are located upstairs in the Learning Resource Center (Library), Room 206.