Customized Workforce Training
We are a results-oriented training provider, with a track record of success in providing workforce solutions to companies in the OCTC service region. Our division provides training in multiple formats, making it easy to find the solutions that work for you. Additionally, through the KCTCS-TRAINS program, KCTCS can provide funding for companies to offset the cost of training their employees.
We work with you to design and deliver training programs to fit the needs of your organization. With a wide range of available topics, we provide professional and technical skill training to increase productivity and strengthen employees at all levels within your organization.
Interested in customized training? Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation. (270) 686-4444
Our training has many advantages over traditional college classes! Our classes are:
- Customized to your industry
- Scheduled based on your worker availability
- On-site or near your site
- Taught by industry-experienced instructors
- Possibly eligible for 75% paid state funding
Industry courses offered through OCTC's Workforce Solutions division are tailored to your industry, personalized to your organization’s strategic priorities and adapted to meet your needs. This industry training option allows you the opportunity to schedule classes and labs whenever it is most convenient for employees. If possible, we can offer training at your location or near your location at one of our satellite campuses. An industry-experienced instructor delivers personalized training.
In addition, your employees will not have to assume the responsibility of submitting transcripts, taking the college placement test, registering for courses, paying fees, and buying books and supplies on their own before the class starts. At Workforce Solutions, these tasks are handled by a single point of contact. Your employees don't pay tuition and fees on an individual basis. Your organization is charged only after the training has progressed. Most of our industry training programs are eligible for KCTCS TRAINS funding (75% paid with state funding).
Since production requirements are first and foremost with the majority of our company partners, they overwhelmingly prefer the flexibility and individualization that customized delivery provides.
Interested? Contact Workforce Solutions at (270) 686-4444
KCTCS-TRAINS is a fund designated by the Kentucky General Assembly to help companies willing to invest in workforce development for their employees. These funds are administered by KCTCS and are available through KCTCS colleges. Companies receive funding to assist with the cost of providing workforce training and assessment services to current and potential employees through KCTCS colleges.
KCTCS-TRAINS funds are distributed on a project basis. Companies are required to pay 25% of the cost plus a 10% administrative fee for use of the funds, and then KCTCS-TRAINS reimburses the college directly for the remaining 75%.
All companies* in the Commonwealth of Kentucky are eligible for KCTCS-TRAINS funding. KCTCS-TRAINS will support projects for:
- existing Kentucky companies that are requiring employees to learn new skills in their jobs
- companies that are contributing to Kentucky’s economic development
*Government agencies, non-profit organizations and educational institutions are not eligible.
Our Workforce Solutions staff will assist companies in developing training plans and applying for KCTCS-TRAINS funding.
OCTC delivers customized high-quality and cost-effective training and assessment services that are designed to improve the performance and efficiency of your company. The OCTC Workforce Solutions staff will work with you to design training programs to meet the needs of your company and bring them to your location. In addition, OCTC offers open enrollment classes for hundreds of topics to help you meet your workforce training goals.
Workforce Solutions at OCTC utilizes qualified subject-matter experts and instructors to provide basic-through-advanced levels of training. We offer training opportunities in the following areas:
- Manufacturing and Trades
- Blueprint Reading
- Circuits
- Contractor Safety
- Electrical Motor Controls
- Forklift Operation
- Industrial Maintenance
- Instrumentation
- Hydraulics
- Machine Tool
- Programmable Logic Controllers
- Robotics
- Rotating Machinery
- Vibration Analysis
- Welding and Fabrication
- Health Careers
- Medication Aide
- Nursing Skills
- Phlebotomy
- Leadership and Organizational Development
- Conflict Resolution
- Effective Communication
- Leading Innovation
- Motivation and Encouragement
- Performance Appraisals
- Professional Speaking
- Project Planning
- Team Building
- Transition to Leader
- Software and IT Training
- AutoCAD
- Cybersecurity
- Microsoft Office Suite
OCTC offers a hybrid option for employee training where employees participate in interactive and engaging computer-based training (CBT) modules and take an assessment to test their knowledge. Then following each CBT module, the employees come together for an in-person training session to demonstrate the skills they have learned. The CBT modules provide training in Professional Development or industry-specific topics. Face-to-face training may be eligible for KCTCS TRAINS funding.
OCTC offers expertise and assistance in pre-hire selection and promotion. Assessments are offered in the areas of aptitude, basic skills, people skills, and technical ability. We work with you to define the required skills and abilities for each job and then design a pre-employment or progression program to evaluate and enhance employee skills helping you:
- Save time and money on recruitment
- Reduce employee turnover
- Cultivate your own leaders
- Promote from within