Counseling Center
Welcome to the Owensboro Community and Technical College Counseling Center. What kind of help do you need? Are you looking for help choosing a career? How about finding a job? What about personal problems that could use some solutions? Maybe you wonder if we can help you with your disability. Regardless of the situation, we are glad you have chosen to explore our services. The primary function of counseling services at OCTC is to assist students to achieve more effective personal, social, educational, or career development and adjustment.
Academic Counseling
Academic counseling includes examining a variety of personal academic needs or concerns. For example, exploring the personal causes of academic difficulties, or deciding what steps to take to overcome academic probation or suspension are activities that may benefit from academic counseling.
Personal Counseling
Personal counseling services offer you an opportunity to resolve personal concerns which are impeding your academic progress. Some examples may include an immediate personal crisis, excessive stress, a difficult relationship, inadequate finances, transportation, or other resources, low self-esteem, underdeveloped social skills, test anxiety, unresolved conflicts, or problems with a teacher. Regrettably, however, due to the many varied demands for counselor related services and a large workload applicable to a limited number of counselors, personal counseling is limited to short-term counseling (five to seven sessions). Students having personal issues which counselors determine to require long-term counseling or therapy will be referred to outside mental health or social service agencies.
Accessibility Services
Counselors for Accessibility Services assist students with disabilities by planning for reasonable accommodations in the classroom. Additionally, they help students with disabilities in planning for transitions to careers or to other post-secondary institutions, provide counseling services for personal concerns, and make referrals to other appropriate specialists. Counselors also provide activities such as social skills training for students with disabilities, work to improve the self-advocacy and self-esteem of students with disabilities, and serve as consultants to teachers and staff on the characteristics and special needs of students with disabilities.
Crisis Intervention
Counselors are trained to provide crisis intervention to help stabilize traumatized individuals after a crisis. Restoration of independent functioning is the key goal.
About Our Counselors
Students utilizing the Counseling Center have a broad spectrum of counseling needs. Each is worthy of respectful, professional counseling assistance. Consequently, counselors at OCTC have the qualifications and experience necessary to provide the professional counseling assistance needed to achieve more effective personal, social, educational, or career development and adjustment. Three generally recognized helping processes are used by the counselor. These are counseling, consulting, and coordinating: 1) Counseling is a complex helping process in which the counselor establishes a trusting and confidential working relationship. The focus is on problem-solving, decision-making, and discovering personal meaning related to learning and development; 2) Consultation is a cooperative process in which the counselor-consultant assist others to think through problems and to develop skills that make them more effective in working with students; 3) Coordination is a leadership process in which the counselor helps organize and manage the colleges counseling program and related services. Regardless of the helping services you need, our counselors are ready to assist.
Contact Us
Main Campus Counseling Center, 4800 New Hartford Road, Owensboro, KY 42303 Temporary Location: Advanced Technology Center, Upper Level, 270-686-4418
Karri Barnett karri.barnett@kctcs.edu
Barb Tipmore barb.tipmore@kctcs.edu
Looking for more?
Check out our Student Resources to see what various services are available to you in our community. And remember... YOU'VE GOT THIS!