Owensboro Community and Technical College plays a vital role in the region for economic development, educational attainment, preparedness for transfer to a university, or transitioning to a professional career. The President of OCTC is Dr. Scott Williams, an educator with a wide variety of academic and real world experience.
Dr. Williams collaborates with the Executive Team, made up of vice presidents who are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the college. Below is a list of the vice presidents and their area of responsibilities.
Executive Team
- Academic Affairs - Dr. Veena Sallan, Vice President/Chief Academic Officer
- Advancement and Foundation - Sydney Warren, Chief Institutional Advancement Officer, Executive Director of the OCTC Foundation, Inc.
- Business Affairs - Sarah Price, Vice President
- Information Technology - Jim Hartz, Vice President
- Marketing and Recruiting - Bernie Hale
- Student Affairs - Dr. Ashleigh Crowe, Vice President
- Workforce Solutions - Sheri Plain, Vice President
Leadership Team, Administrative Council and the College Assembly
The next level of leadership includes the Leadership Team listed below. The Administrative Council is a collaborative body that provides primary recommendations to the College Assembly, allowing for more in-depth discussion and debate of agenda items. The College Assembly includes all full-time employees as voting members, although select issues that require voting are faculty issues and thus require "faculty-only" votes. All issues that are considered college-wide are voted upon by the entire body in attendance.
The Deans of Academic Affairs report to the Chief Academic Officer.
- Arts and Sciences Division - Vacant, Academic Dean
- Professional and Technical Studies - Kathy Hoffman, Academic Dean
Department Heads
The Department Heads report to the Deans of Academic Affairs.
- Dr. Laura Boarman - Business, Health, and Public Services
- Dr. Lori Donahoo - Nursing
- Shawn Payne - Manufacturing/Skilled Trades
- Nathan Hirtz - Mathematics, Natural and Social Sciences
- Dr. Meredith Skaggs - Heritage, Humanities, and Fine Arts
Administrative Council
- Donna Abell
- Matt Alschbach
- Dr. Shane Armstrong
- Shanna Ballard
- Stacey Bertke
- Dr. Laura Boarman
- Dr. Ashleigh Crowe
- Sharmy Davis
- Dr. Lori Donahoo
- Bethany Ebelhar
- Christy Ellis
- Bernie Hale
- Jim Hartz
- Marty Higdon
- Nathan Hirtz
- Kathy Hoffman
- Sherry Lee
- Rhonda Logsdon
- Lisa May
- Christi Midkiff
- Kitt Midkiff
- Sheri Plain
- Shawn Payne
- Sarah Price
- Nicole Ralph
- Dr. Veena Sallan
- Stephanie Self
- Dr. Meredith Skaggs
- Michelle Tudor
- Sydney Warren
- Carrie Whitmer
- Dr. Scott Williams (Chair)
Organizational Charts
Organizational Structure 2023-2024
Scott Williams, Ph.D., President
Academic Affairs
Dr. Veena Sallan: Vice President
- Senior Administrative Assistant: Stacey Bertke
- Senior Administrative Assistant: Stefanie Belew
- Administrative Assistant: Jerron Boling
- Interim Academic Affairs Assistant: Donna Johnson
Arts and Sciences
Vacant, Academic Dean
Humanities & Fine Arts
Department Head: Dr. Meredith Skaggs
- Art: Abbi Rupert
- Communications: Amy Jorgensen, Dr. Meredith Skaggs, and Taylor Washum
- English: Matt Branham, Kaye Brown, Shannon Collins, Jacqui Epley, Molly Gibson, Tonya Northenor, and Susan Swanson
- History: Matthew Alschbach and Dr. Angela Ash
- Music: Dr. Connie Ford and Scott Napier
- Philosophy: Vacant
- Spanish: Dr. Ramon Muniz
- Theatre: Grae Greer
Mathematics, Natural and Social Sciences
Department Head: Nathan Hirtz
- Biology: Dr. Geralyn Caplan, Dr. Tim Dick, Misty Gish, Lalitha Kannan, Peter Kobella, Dr. Micah Perkins, and Dr. Chad Wilkerson
- Chemistry: Dr. Denise Hanes
- Education: Casey Hamilton
- Mathematics: Donna DePasquale, Nathan Hirtz, Danny Huffman, Connie Logsdon, Brian Thomas, and Carrie Whitmer
- Psychology: Jessica Hodges, Mary Kinney, and Dr. Ed Morris
- Sociology: Chad Gesser
Academic Student Support Services
- Library Director: Donna Abell
- Librarian II: John Lutzel
- Library Specialist: Ann Bennett and Lora Waters
- Instructional Designer: Stephanie Self
- TRiO Director: Becky Hodskins
- TRiO Program Facilitator: Lindsey Greer and Mary Bruner
Professional and Technical Studies
Kathy Hoffman, Academic Dean
Business, Health, and Public Service
Department Head: Dr. Laura Boarman
- Agriculture: Dr. Chris Cummins and Troy Muse
- Business: Haley Minton and vacant
- Criminal Justice: Brock Peterson
- Fire Science/Paramedic/EMT: Jimmy VanCleve, Joe Dennison
- Healthcare Facilities Leadership: Mike Canales
- Interdisciplinary Childhood Education: Amanda Merritt
- Medical Assisting: Natalie Horstman
- Medical Information Technology: Taylor Ladd
- Radiography: Crystal Henderson and Michelle Tudor
- Surgical Technology: Zara Basham
- Veterinary Technology: Dr. Laura Boarman, Tara Groves, and Jacqueline Jackson
Manufacturing/Skilled Trades
Department Head: Shawn Payne
- Air Conditioning Technology: Larry Stone and Rick Gresham
- Automotive Technology: Billie Joe Harris and Dean Denton
- Computer & Information Technologies: Matt Monsour, Tim Williamson, and Calli Young
- Computerized Manufacturing & Machining: Randy Crowe and Danny Moseley
- Construction: Nathan Meredith (PT)
- Diesel Technology: Walt James
- Electrical Technology: Justin Elderwood, Marty Higdon, and Justin Payne
- Engineering & Electronics Technology: Richard Hall
- Industrial Maintenance Technology: Shawn Payne and Sean Steele
- Plumbing: Danny Richeson (PT)
- Robotics: Thomas McNamara
- Welding Technology: Shawn Gannon and Lance Shutt
Department Head/Director, Dr. Lori Donahoo
Faculty: Audrea Cooper, Bethany Ebelhar, Sarah Fulcher, J.R. Greer, Sasha Nies, Madeline Pippin, Jake Martin, Kim Revlett, Dr. Eunice Taylor, and Megan Whitmore
Healthcare Simulation Specialist: Nicole Johnson
Healthcare Careers Specialist: Michelle Bryant
Academic Student Support Services
Early College: Nikki Wimpelberg
Concurrent Enrollment, NACEP: Dr. Meredith Skaggs
SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison: Nicole Ralph
Organizational Structure 2023-2024
Scott Williams, Ph.D., President
Business Affairs
Vice President: Sarah Price
- Business Office
- Human Resources
- Campus Information
- Maintenance and Operations
- Campus Security
Associate Dean: Rhonda Logsdon
- Cashiering/Student Fee Payment/Travel: Donna Vanover
- Cashiering/Student Fee Payment/Refunds: Jody Dysinger
- Accounts Payable/Purchasing/Procards/Inventory: Cassandra Schaefer
- Accounts Receivable/Student Collection/Third Party Contracts: Penni Conrad
Accounting Specialist, HealthForce Kentucky: Tim Stevenson
Human Resources Director: Shanna Ballard
- Human Resources Coordinator: Brandy Givens and Katelyn McKannan
Campus Information/Operator: Mary Durr
Maintenance & Operations Director: Dennis Redd
Maintenance & Operations
- Assistant Supervisor: Jim Durand
- Maintenance Technicians: Jermaine Ashley and Eddie Horton
- Maintenance Workers: Janice Embrey, Mike Hoover, Johnathan Wroe, and vacant
- Electrician: Steve Scott
- Administrative Assistant: Dorrita Ashley
Campus Security Supervisor/Security: Jeff Hendricks
- Main Campus: Christina Sandefur
- Main Campus: Lorrie Jewell
- Downtown Campus: Ottaway Kirby
- Downtown Campus: Kelly Payne
- SE Campus: Wayne Burns
Organizational Structure 2023-2024
Scott Williams, President
Institutional Advancement
Chief Institutional Advancement Officer: Sydney Warren
Administrative Assistant: Cadie Underwood
Administrative Accountant: Gina Sloan
Director of Grants: Christi Midkiff
Organizational Structure 2023-2024
Scott Williams, President
Information Technology
Vice President: Jim Hartz
IT Coordinator: Micheal Powers
IT Project Manager: Craig Miller
IT Specialist: Mark Stiff
eLearning Instructional Specialist: Lisa May
Help Desk & Support Services: Lucas Corley
Organizational Structure 2023-24
Scott Williams, President
President’s Office
Dr. Scott Williams, President
Exec. Administrative Assistant: Kitt Midkiff
Director Marketing & Recruiting Director: Bernie Hale
- Marketing & Recruiting Coordinator: Katie Powers
- Marketing & Recruiting Specialist: Hailey Ballard
- Video Producer: Rodney Newton
- Marketing Assistant: Linda Taylor
Associate Dean, Institutional Research: Joy Bowlds
Associate Dean, Institutional Research, SACSCOC Liaison: Nicole Ralph
Vice President, Academic Affairs: Dr. Veena Sallan
Vice President, Business Affairs: Sarah Price
Vice President, Information Technology: James Hartz
Chief Institutional Officer: Sydney Warren
Vice President, Student Affairs: Dr. Ashleigh Crowe
Vice President, Workforce Solutions: Sheri Plain
Organizational Structure 2023-2024
Scott Williams, President
Student Affairs
Vice President: Ashleigh Crowe, Ph.D
Academic Advising
- Dean of Student Affairs: Sharmy Davis
- Transfer Coordinator: MJ Mayo
- Success Coaches: Maurice Calhoun, Jr., Ceary Crisp, Andrew Landreth, Rebecca Stoen, Michael Lovett
Admissions Processing
- Student Affairs Assistant: Janet Dukes
- Administrative Assistant: Cynthia Johnston
Counseling, Accessibility, and Student Development
- Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Title IX: Barb Tipmore
- Administrative Assistants: Penny Howard, Waylon Millay
- Ready to Work Coordinator: Amy Fogle Stiff
- College Counselor: Karri Barnett
Experiential Learning (Title III)
- Director-External Education: Olivia Schilke
- ELO Center Coordinator: Jan Goldman
- Success Coaches: John Bristow, Lauren Hagan
Financial Aid
- Director: Rebecca Simon
- Financial Aid Specialists: Rosa Gogel and Mary-Kaitlyne McCarthy
- Financial Aid Assistant: Kadie Boone
Retention, Success, & Engagement
- Dean: Shane Armstrong
START Center
- Director: Courtney Duvall
- Admissions Advisors: Mindy Voegel, and Faith McGuffin
- VA Representative: John Bristow
- Administrative Assistant: Cynthia Johnston
Student Records
- Registrar: Christy Ellis
- Student Affairs Assistants: Brittany Daniels, Janet Dukes, and Arin Durand
Organizational Structure 2023-2024
Scott Williams, President
Workforce Solutions
Vice President: Sheri Plain
Business and Industry Services
- Director of Industry Training: vacant
- Project Manager: Technical - Sonya Southard
- Industry Trainers: Josh Willey and Leon Mills (PT)
- Special Projects: Susan Smith
Healthcare and Leadership
- Director of Sales: John Drane
- Project Manager - Healthcare: LaTasha Shemwell
- KNAT Coordinator: Danielle Staples
- Adjunct Faculty and Assessment Asst.: vacant
Innovation Initiatives
- Director of Comm., Workforce and Economic Dev.: vacant
- Director of Innovation, AMTEC, and CBTs: Jason Simon
- CBT Project Manager: Susan Jollay
- CBT Production Specialist: Ken Knight
- NSF Virtual Reality Project Manager: Jennifer Burke
SkillTrain Adult Education Services
- Director: Dr. Ryan Hall
- Assistant Director: Kim Nicholson
- Recruitment Specialist: Beth Nicholson, Amy Nix
- Adult Education Trainers: Alitta Leachman, Savannah Gillam, Raegan Marshall, Mya Rowan, Rick Thompson, Taylor Bryant
- ELL Coordinator: Meredith Bowers
Tech X, CDL, GO FAME, GO Careers, Apprenticeships
- Director of Workforce Partnerships: Katie Vincent
- Employer Liaison/Career Navigator: Peter Mattingly and Alicyn Rodgers
- CDL Master Instructor: James Cecil, Danny Smiley, and Chris Williams
- Tech X Co-Coordinator/Instructor: Andrew Austin and Parrish Duncan
Workforce Assessments, Customer Service, Operations
- Director: Kim Free
- Assistant Director of Operations: Mason Lanham
- Assessment Center Coordinator: Christi Bowman
- Customer Service Specialist: Diann Shock