College Assembly | OCTC

College Assembly

The Owensboro Community and Technical College organization which provides a forum for discussions and deliberation for both faculty and staff is the College Assembly. The Assembly has regular monthly meetings where decisions regarding college governance take place.

Officers: 2023-2024

Chair Chad Gesser (2023-25)
Vice Chair Billie Harris (2023-25)
Secretary Jacqui Epley (2023-25)
Parliamentarian Rosa Gogel (2023-25)
KCTCS Senate Council Danny Huffman (2022-24)
Rules Committee Chair Donna DePasquale (2023-25)
Curriculum Review Committee Chair   Nathan Hirtz (2022-24)
At-Large Senate Members Mary Kinney (2022-24)
  Jacqueline Jackson (2023-25)
Board of Directors Representatives Sharmy Davis, Staff Rep. (2022-25)
  Zara Basham, Faculty Rep.(2021-25)
Foundation Representative Sydney Warren

KCTCS Procedures for Electing Faculty and Staff Representatives to the KCTCS Board of Regents