Strategic Plan | OCTC

Strategic Plan

We strive to maintain our institution-wide commitment to student persistence, learning, and educational attainment through the systematic assessment and evaluation of our institutional practices, policies, and programs.

Our Annual Plan, which is embedded in and published each year in our Strategic Plan, guides our evaluation and improvement process.

KCTCS Goals | OCTC Objectives - 2022-26

Approved by the OCTC Administrative Council April 18, 2022
Approved by the OCTC Board of Directors May 5, 2022

KCTCS-OCTC Infused Priority: ensure diverse, equitable, and inclusive campus communities

KCTCS Goals & OCTC Objectives - 2022-26
KCTCS Goal: Increase Learner Success KCTCS Goal: Increase Employment Success KCTCS Goal: Increase Organizational Success

OCTC Objective 1: Scheduling and Curriculum - The College offers coursework in timeframes and modalities that are responsive to student and community needs.

OCTC Objective 2: Student Support - Meeting learners where they are with the services they need, the College's learner-focused faculty and staff help students reach their potential.

OCTC Objective 3: Transfer - The College creates seamless pathways so students can make a successful transition to four-year colleges and universities.

OCTC Objective 4: Careers - The College creates seamless pathways, including experiential learning opportunities, so students can make a successful transition to in-demand careers.

OCTC Objective 5: Marketing and Image - The College inspires and enables individuals to reach their goals and shares their stories of success with the many stakeholders we serve.

OCTC Objective 6: Recruitment and Outreach - The College engages with the community and expands partnerships for regional economic, social, cultural, and intellectual prosperity.

OCTC Strategic Plan with Embedded Annual Plan for 2024-25
Executive Summary

Approved by the OCTC Administrative Council April 15, 2024
Approved by the OCTC Board of Directors May 2, 2024

KCTCS Goal: Increase Learner Success

OCTC Objective 1: Scheduling and Curriculum - The College offers coursework in timeframes and modalities that are responsive to student and community needs.

Metric for Success (KCTCS Key Performance Indicator): Academic Year Enrollment
Unduplicated total enrollment headcount (for credit) in most recently completed academic year (summer, fall, spring).  Reach target set by KCTCS.

Action Steps for 2024-25

  1. Expand program offerings and course modalities to meet the needs of adult learners
  2. Offer First Year Experience (FYE) 100 during fall and spring 2nd bi-term semesters
  3. Explore offering a 3-credit hour FYE course targeting potential transfer and undecided students
  4. Implement Competency Based Education (CBE) certificates in technical programs
  5. Obtain SACSCOC approval to implement Technical Theatre CBE Program
  6. Explore developing a Prison Education Program
  7. Explore offering a course similar to the University of Louisville's (UofL) Healthcare Leadership Prior Learning Assessment class
  8. Offer new Advanced KMA course
  9. Explore offering Early Childhood Work-and-Learn model
  10. Explore converting pass/fail grading to traditional A/B/C grading
  11. Offer CT and MRI Certificates
  12. Explore offering evening and weekend courses
  13. Offer African American History & Literature courses
  14. Ensure courses are listed with the correct modality in PeopleSoft (hybrid, in-person, online)
  15. Attain 100% full-time faculty KCTCS Essential Standards (KES) certification as new faculty are hired
  16. Revise OCTC Quality Assurance process to align with KCTCS standards
  17. Explore ways to expand what HealthForce Kentucky is developing to other programs
  18. Utilize HealthForce mobile labs for classroom instruction
  19. Explore offering additional healthcare related programs
  20. Offer Medical Laboratory Technician Program with Henderson Community College
  21. Seek approval to change the prefix for American Sign Language, which is a foreign language and cultural studies course
  22. Explore offering performance and production classes and programs
  23. Consider hiring a full-time Economics instructor
  24. Complete Veterinary Technology reaccreditation
  25. Explore offering 4- and 12-week courses
  26. Embed industry certificates into curriculum
  27. Explore offering a 3D printing certificate
  28. Offer certification in Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  29. Obtain Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approval for Aquaculture
  30. Explore offering certificates embedded within programs (e.g., Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Technician (Automotive), Public Leadership (Business), and Medical Receptionist (Medical Information Technology))
  31. Provide support for quality and accessible equipment and funding for the AAS in Professional Studio Artist Program
  32. Offer transitional English courses to improve reading and writing skills of students with low test scores
  33. Obtain SACSCOC approval to use HealthForce mobile labs as Off-Campus Instructional Sites
  34. Implement HealthForce Two Mobile Lab
  35. Provide professional development for AI, virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR)
  36. Provide professional development for regular and substantive interaction (RSI)
  37. Expand use of VR and AR in courses
  38. Scan employer work environments to incorporate AR into classrooms
  39. Explore hiring a part-time Career and Life Skills (CLS) Specialist who holds a special education credential to grow the program, teach GEN 102 Foundations of Learning, develop course modifications, supervise the development and execution of person-centered planning for every student, and assist with recruitment and admission
  40. Explore creating an experiential learning lab
  41. Continue to explore opportunities to host a technical program onsite at Daviess County Detention Center
  42. Explore cohort model for targeted credential programs
  43. Pursue additional funding sources to continue TechX Boot Camp Bridge Program
  44. Explore opportunities to develop electric vehicle battery manufacturing curricula through AMTEC

OCTC Objective 2:  Student Support - Meeting learners where they are with the services they need, the College’s learner-focused faculty and staff help students reach their potential.

Metric for Success (KCTCS Key Performance Indicator):  Two-Year Persistence Rate
Unduplicated percentage of students entering in the fall semester who earn a credential at the initial institution by the end of the following academic year, transfer by the end of the following academic year, or are still enrolled at the initial institution at any time during the following academic year. Reach target set by KCTCS.

Action Steps for 2024-25

  1. Implement a full-time FYE administrator
  2. Revamp the FYE Program
  3. Teach students ethical uses of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  4. Expand user access to Starfish
  5. Implement the CPE 10 Essential Skills
  6. Increase funding to the HHFA department to assist with AAS in Bluegrass and meet the growing costs to support theatre, art, chorus, and Skylark
  7. Explore additional honorary student organizations
  8. Develop faculty mentors
  9. Identify and explore replacement of damaged and non-ADA compliant furniture in classrooms and common areas
  10. Implement new process for collecting bad debt
  11. Explore options to address inability to withhold transcripts for students with balances
  12. Create a "maker space" for students
  13. Embed career services into enrollment and advising processes
  14. Explore options for easier and faster transcript release from external institutions
  15. Develop and implement new Quality Enhancement Plan
  16. Increase available assistance and develop a student organization for non-native English-speaking students
  17. Explore implementation of guided pathway advising
  18. Increase student awareness of kynector Coordinator
  19. Develop communication plan for dual credit and concurrently enrolled students
  20. Expand advisor training on pathways and transfer options
  21. Improve advising process for dual credit and concurrently enrolled students
  22. Improve advising and transfer communication to all advisors
  23. Offer a triage model for student support
  24. Secure funding for Food Pantry
  25. Create awareness of resources available to address students’ basic needs
  26. Research appointment scheduling software that works with PeopleSoft
  27. Explore childcare options
  28. Increase utilization of Handshake
  29. Provide nutritional and affordable/subsidized food options on campus
  30. Increase student awareness of lactation room
  31. Expand use of the career closet to address clothing needs not related to job interviews
  32. Move location of advising information on Student Self-Service
  33. Work with System Office to include advisor information on student schedules
  34. Add OCTC building legend to student schedule
  35. Participate in the KCTCS Mental Health Task Force
  36. Replace TAO with a more robust mental health support platform
  37. Explore hiring an additional counselor
  38. Implement and refer students to the Owen Autism Center Inclusive Circles Program
  39. Have faculty and staff participate in "Be a Student for a Day" to discover obstacles students face on campus
  40. Increase inventory for loaner laptop program

KCTCS Goal: Increase Employment Success

OCTC Objective 3:  Transfer - The College creates seamless pathways so students can make a successful transition to four-year colleges and universities.

Metric for Success (KCTCS Key Performance Indicator):  Post-KCTCS Outcomes
Percentage of non-returning credential earners (degree, diploma, certificate) in one academic year that enroll at a four-year institution or are employed and earn a wage greater than or equal to the federal poverty level in the following academic year.  Reach target set by KCTCS.

Action Steps for 2024-25

  1. Promote the new WKU Agriculture transfer plan
  2. Review common transfer options and offer required courses
  3. Promote TRiO's transfer support services
  4. Collaborate with Brescia University in Fine Arts
  5. Promote OCTC classes to students attending 4-year institutions
  6. Work with UofL to allow Consortium Agreements
  7. Build relationships with 4-year institutions outside of Owensboro
  8. Develop and promote meaningful transfer pathways
  9. Explore hiring a full-time Transfer Coordinator
  10. Promote transfer plans to HBCU's in Kentucky
  11. Develop process to prepare students for navigating transfer challenges
  12. Partner with additional 4-year institutions to waive application fees if students meet with an on-campus representative
  13. Make students aware of transfer pathways early in their academic career
  14. Promote transfer scholarship and financial aid information to students
  15. Promote transfer majors rather than degrees
  16. Utilize HealthForce Kentucky to promote transfer options
  17. Connect students receiving accommodations who plan to transfer with the disability services office at their transfer institution
  18. Explore options to increase transfer rate

OCTC Objective 4:  Careers - The College creates seamless pathways, including experiential learning opportunities, so students can make a successful transition to in-demand careers.

Metric for Success (KCTCS Key Performance Indicator):  Targeted Industry Sector Credentials
Credentials awarded in academic programs aligned with the Kentucky Workforce Innovation Board’s Targeted Industry Sectors (Healthcare; Manufacturing, Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics; Information Technology, Business, and Finance; and Construction).  Reach target set by KCTCS.

Action Steps for 2024-25

  1. Implement Work & Learn model for Automotive Technology
  2. Develop career pathway partnerships for AFA and Professional Studio Artist (e.g., RiverPark, Bluegrass Museum, etc.)
  3. Offer Work Ready KY Scholarship during summer semester if approved by KHEAA and funding is available
  4. Increase matriculation of technical/high demand concurrent enrollment students to degree completion
  5. Incorporate career and program counseling at local high schools
  6. Utilize Lightcast for career exploration
  7. Connect students with community resources specifically geared towards their career interests
  8. Partner with local high schools to allow students to attend career exploration days
  9. Collaborate with high school clubs (e.g., Art, Drama, FFA, 4-H) to create early connections
  10. Expand employer invitations to classrooms to talk about their industries and job opportunities
  11. Explore training on what is coming in careers (e.g., robotics and automation)
  12. Host SkillTrain event for ESL students in partnership with International Center
  13. Partner with HealthForce KY to offer healthcare career exploration

KCTCS Goal: Increase Organizational Success

OCTC Objective 5:  Marketing and Image - The College inspires and enables individuals to reach their goals and shares their stories of success with the many stakeholders we serve.

Metric for Success (KCTCS Key Performance Indicator):  Employee Retention Rate:
The retention rate of regular KCTCS employees during the academic year.  Reach target set by KCTCS.

​​​​​​​Action Steps for 2024-25

  1. Explore participating in student competitions (e.g., Skills USA, Trade Wars, Art/Drama)
  2. Implement new interactive campus map
  3. Bolster Arts and Humanities opportunities/productions (e.g., Bluegrass Music, Theatre, Visual Arts, etc.)
  4. Expand alumni outreach with Almabase
  5. Highlight careers of alumni on OCTC website and social media platforms
  6. Promote the Professional Studio Artist - Bluegrass & Traditional Music Program
  7. Create marketing materials for Center of Academic Excellence-Cyber Defense (CAE-CD) designation
  8. Identity and market programs and courses to adult learners
  9. Create opportunities for OCTC alumni to share 4-year college experiences with our students
  10. Celebrate Common Reading 20th anniversary
  11. Update program rack cards
  12. Celebrate Community College Month
  13. Add directional signage in Main Campus parking lots
  14. Complete Foundation webpage refresh
  15. Complete installation of digital sign at Main Campus - 231 entrance
  16. Begin Campus Center kitchen renovation
  17. Begin elevator upgrade project
  18. Explore replacing Downtown Campus switchgear
  19. Implement HVAC upgrade project
  20. Repair broken automatic doors
  21. Continue installation of cameras inside buildings
  22. Complete fire alarm update project
  23. Complete Southeastern Campus fire sprinkler system project
  24. Replace non-working faucets
  25. Replace chalkboards with whiteboards and refurbish/replace existing whiteboards where needed
  26. Explore installing a digital sign at Southeastern Campus and upgrading the Downtown Campus digital sign
  27. Finish exterior improvements of Academic Building (parking lot side)
  28. Continue rotation of parking lot sealing and striping
  29. Paint Main Campus building names
  30. Paint Main Campus mall area
  31. Evaluate repairing unlevel sidewalks
  32. Explore upgrading Dayman Gallery lighting to improve student and guest experience
  33. Explore updating building kitchen areas addressing microwaves, dishwashers, refrigerators, cabinets, sink tops, etc.
  34. Explore adding benches outside Science Building
  35. Provide campus construction schedule to minimize disruptions
  36. Explore expanding campus recycling efforts
  37. Evaluate streamlining travel processes
  38. Increase awareness of security button on campus phones and computers
  39. Develop webpage for the START Center
  40. Utilize CDL semi and Cobra trailer at events
  41. Promote transfer opportunities
  42. Spotlight service-learning projects
  43. Increase program participation at community events for visibility and student outreach
  44. Advertise Study Abroad trips to Australia in 2025 and Japan in 2026
  45. Launch faculty & staff blog
  46. Promote OCTC Nature Center
  47. Update and improve faculty and staff online directory
  48. Produce faculty/staff testimonials on the value of OCTC
  49. Explore how AI can assist with student questions
  50. Increase focus on mental wellness (e.g., mental health events, zen space)
  51. Increase the use of video on all platforms
  52. Provide professional development on utilization of the KCTCS app

OCTC Objective 6:  Recruitment and Outreach – The College engages with the community and expands partnerships for regional economic, social, cultural, and intellectual prosperity.

Metric for Success (KCTCS Key Performance Indicator):  Alternative Revenue:
Annual dollar amount of financial contributions from grants, contracts, advancement, and other external sources and endowment income.  Reach target set by KCTCS.

​​​​​​​Action Steps for 2024-25

  1. Increase program representation at college events
  2. Increase matriculation of dual credit/concurrent enrollment students
  3. Revive OCTC Speech & Debate Team
  4. Explore training faculty to use Signal Vine
  5. Host a Theatre Arts Camp with the possibility of offering credit for prior learning
  6. Partner with Boy/Girl Scout Troops to earn badges for campus events
  7. Highlight Education First Employers
  8. Enhance promotion of the Work Ready KY Scholarship
  9. Expand recruiting efforts (e.g., treatment and recovery centers, churches, K-12 Parent Night)
  10. Host 8th Annual Girls Empowerment Trailblazer Event
  11. Host 8th Annual OCTC Donor Celebration
  12. Integrate virtual reality into marketing and recruiting
  13. Promote Healthcare Facilities Leadership connection to SkillBridge
  14. Create a small OCTC card that faculty/staff can give to potential students
  15. Promote OCTC's expansion into hybrid and electric vehicle technology
  16. Make career information more visible on website
  17. Promote Career and Life Skills Program
  18. Increase representation and marketing for General Education programs/courses
  19. Participate in K-12 digital backpack programs
  20. Increase youth visits to campus (e.g., Girls Inc., Western Academy, Boys and Girls Club, middle school summer camps, etc.)
  21. Host additional community events on campus (e.g., Art Fair, Native American Festival, Boy/Girl Scouts)
  22. Explore ways to increase student participation in technical, high wage earning programs
  23. Explore hiring a full-time recruiter
  24. Develop new Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Plan
  25. Implement and utilize new CRM
  26. Evaluate collaborating with employers to increase employer sponsored tuition opportunities



For a PDF version of this document, please contact Katie Powers.
Staff and Faculty may view archived strategic plans on SharePoint.