Nursing | OCTC


Learn key nursing skills and practice them in a variety of real-world settings.

Program Contact
Lori Sharp Donahoo DNP, RN, CNE
Director of Nursing
(270) 686-4548
GET STARTED TODAY (270) 686-4400


What is Nursing?

Nursing is one of the most exciting and vital careers in today’s economy.  If you are interested in helping people a nursing career might be for you!  OCTC’s Associate Degree Nursing program (ADN) graduates are ready to provide the highest quality care.

The ADN program prepares graduates to take the National Council Licensure Exam – Registered Nurse (NCLEX-RN).  In order to become a Registered Nurse (RN) students must pass the NCLEX-RN and gain licensure from a state Board of Nursing.

Nursing students practicing care of patientes on a manakin.

Getting Started

What are my degree, diploma, and certificate options?

How Do I Pay For This?

Worry no more. With the lowest tuition in Kentucky, financial aid options, and a helping hand to guide you through the application process, OCTC has you covered. OCTC will help you reach your goals at a price that won't break the bank.

How do I apply?

Nursing at the technical level involves the provision of direct care for individuals and is characterized by the application of verified knowledge in the skillful performance of nursing functions. All students should possess:  

  1. Sufficient visual acuity, such as is needed in preparation and administration of medications and for the observation necessary for patient assessment and nursing care.
  2. Sufficient auditory perception to receive verbal communication from patients and members of the health team and to assess health needs of people through the use of monitoring devices such as cardiac monitors, stethoscopes, IV infusion pumps, Doptones, fire alarms, etc. 
  3. Sufficient gross and fine motor coordination to respond promptly and to implement the skills, including the manipulation of equipment required in meeting health needs.
  4. Sufficient communication skills (speech, reading, writing) to interact with individuals and to communicate their needs promptly and effectively, as may be necessary in the individuals' interest.
  5. Sufficient intellectual and emotional functions to plan and implement care for individuals.  

The Owensboro Community and Technical College Associate Degree Nursing Program is a selective admissions program.  Space is limited.  

  1. The Nursing Admissions Committee reviews the list of applicants, who are objectively ranked by points.  
  2. The Nursing Admissions Committee determines the number of applicants who will be admitted.  The number of admissions may vary from semester to semester. 
  3. Applicants, who have not been previously admitted to a Nursing Program, with the highest total points are offered seats.
    Students seeking readmission are considered not only by point ranking but also by faculty recommendation, readmission application and results of the competency exam (see readmission for more details). 
  4. Other qualified applicants who are not accepted for admission are placed on a waiting list (may not apply to students seeking readmission).
    Applicants on the waiting list may be admitted, if space becomes available.

In order to gain admission into the nursing program, applicant(s) must meet the application deadline(s).

Applicants who desire admission in the fall should apply and submit all required documentation on or before March 15. Upon convening to choose the fall class, the Nursing Admissions Committee will reopen applications for fall admission when seats are not filled. When/if this occurs, additional fall applications will be accepted until May 15. In the event no vacancies exist, all applications received after March 15 will be considered for spring admission.

Applicants who desire admission in the spring must apply and submit all required documentation on or before October 15. Upon convening to choose the spring class, the Nursing Admissions Committee will reopen applications for spring admission when seats are not filled. When/if this occurs, additional spring applications will be accepted until November 1. In the event no vacancies exist, all applications received after October 15 will be considered for fall admission: 

  1. Submit a current application for admission to Owensboro Community and Technical College; 
  2. Submit transcripts of postsecondary work completed at other institutions (not within the Kentucky Community and Technical College System); 
  3. View the online Pre-Admission Conference for each admission cycle HERE
  4. Complete the Personal Data Form application for each admission cycle;  
  5. Meet one (1) of the two (2) criteria listed below:
    • American College Test (ACT) composite score of 20 or above
    • Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) composite score of 58.7% or higher.
  6. Meet one (1) of the two (2) listed below:
    • Earn a minimum 2.75 Grade Point Average (GPA) calculated on the basis of all completed General Education courses required for the nursing program.  In order for a grade to be considered, it must be available on or before the application deadline.  Grades in PSY 110, a Quantitative Reasoning course at the Associate in Arts or Associate in Science level (MAT 150 preferred), BIO 137, BIO 139, BIO 225, ENG 101, and a heritage or humanities course will be included in the calculation, when completed.  If an applicant has taken more than one heritage or humanities course, the course with the highest grade will be used in the Grade Point Average (GPA) calculation.  
    • Earn a minimum 2.75 cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) calculated on all college courses taken within the Kentucky Community and Technical College System and applicable transfer credit.
      Note: For the purposes of ranking, an applicant’s highest Grade Point Average (GPA) (see option 6a and option 6b above) will be used for admission.
  7. In order to be considered for Nursing Program admission, students must have successfully completed PSY 110, a Quantitative Reasoning course at the Associate in Arts or Associate in Science level (MAT 150 preferred), and BIO 137.  Grade of “C” or higher in the Quantitative Reasoning and Science courses required.
  8. Preference within each applicant pool may be given to applicants demonstrating proof of a prior Allied Health Degree involving direct patient care and who are actively employed in that field for 12 of the past 36 months, as well as applicants who have earned a college degree in any field of study and Veterans (see Point System for details).  
  • Complete Anatomy and Physiology I (BIO 137), a Quantitative Reasoning course at the Associate in Arts (AA) or Associate in Science (AS) level (College Algebra – MAT 150 strongly preferred), and General Psychology (PSY 110).  A grade of “C” or higher is required in math and science courses
  • Obtain “Active Status” on the Kentucky Nurse Aide Registry.  Go to the Kentucky Board of Nursing website HERE to check your status.
  • Gain certification in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).  Basic Life Support (BLS) for the Healthcare Provider certification from either the American Heart Association (AHA) or the American Red Cross (ARC) is required.  
  • Attend a mandatory orientation before your first nursing class begins. The date and time will vary semester to semester. Applicants who are accepted into the program will receive a notification of the day and time shortly after accepting a seat in the first nursing course.

“Direct admission” (early notification of acceptance) will be considered for students who are seeking admission to the nursing program for the first time.  Students who have had unsuccessful attempts (grade of “D”, “E”, “W” or the equivalent) for nursing classes in any nursing program, including OCTC, will not be considered for “direct admission”.  Students must have a complete application on file and meet the following requirements: 

  1. Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.5 or higher is required for “Direct Admission”. Applicants must have completed PSY 110, a Quantitative Reasoning course at the Associate in Arts or Associate in Science level (MAT 150 preferred) and BIO 137.  Note: A qualifying Grade Point Average (GPA) can include either the Grade Point Average (GPA) calculated with the grades of completed General Education courses required for the Nursing Program or the cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of all college courses taken within the Kentucky Community and Technical College System and applicable transfer credit.
  2. Students seeking “Direct Admission” Must meet one (1) of the two (2) criteria listed below:
    • American College Test (ACT) composite score of 25 or above
    • Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) minimum composite score at the “Advanced” level (78% or higher).  

The waiting time for notification of “direct admission” will vary and depends upon available resources.  Typically, an applicant will be notified of his or her early acceptance within ten (10) business days.  Applicants can request a meeting when applying to verify eligibility for early acceptance.  “Direct admission” will occur on a first come, first serve basis.  

The system guidelines will be followed except:  

Applicants who wish to transfer from one Kentucky Community and Technical College System Nursing Program or other nursing programs must:  

  1. Meet all admission requirements of the receiving institution;   
  2. Notify the Coordinator/Director of the Associate Degree Nursing Program in writing, stating anticipated entry date and reason for transfer; and 
  3. Request the Coordinator/Director from the program previously attended to submit a letter to the receiving institution indicating the student is in good standing in both the clinical and didactic setting. 

Applicants previously admitted to another nursing program other than Owensboro Community and Technical College, and who have earned a failing grade (defined as a grade of D or below or withdraw status) in a nursing course or program are ineligible for transfer.  However, applicants who are transferring from another college and desire entry into NSG 101 (or its equivalent) may be eligible for admission.  Students granted NSG 101 (or its equivalent) admission must repeat all nursing courses in the curriculum in order to successfully complete the program (regardless of the grades earned in previous attempts, when applicable).     

Transfer into the program may be limited due to availability of clinical facilities, faculty and financial college resources. Applicants will be considered for transfer only if a vacancy exists. 

Applicants will be ranked for admission based on an objective point system. Points will be awarded using the following method:

  1. Up to 100 points will be awarded based on the applicant’s qualifying Grade Point Average (GPA) in all completed General Education Courses required for the Nursing Program or cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) for all college courses taken within the Kentucky Community and Technical College System and applicable transfer credit. 
    1. Points will be awarded for either the Grade Point Average (GPA) in all completed General Education Courses required for the Nursing Program or cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of all college courses taken within the Kentucky Community and Technical College System and applicable transfer credit, not both.
    2. Points will be awarded for the best Grade Point Average (GPA).  In other words, points will be awarded for either the completed General Education courses required for the Nursing Program Grade Point Average (GPA) or cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) for all college courses taken within the Kentucky Community and Technical College and applicable transfer credit, based on the most points an applicant can receive.
    3. Only applicants with a Grade Point Average (GPA) - General Education courses required for the Nursing Program or cumulative of all college courses taken within the Kentucky Community and Technical College System and applicable transfer credit - of 2.75 or higher will be eligible for admission.
  2. Applicants will receive up to 100 points for a qualifying American College Test (ACT) or Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) score. 
    1. To be eligible for admission, applicants must achieve either a composite score of >20 on the American College Test (ACT) or a “proficient” score (58.7) or higher on the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) assessment.
    2. Points will be awarded for either the American College Test (ACT) or Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) score, not both.
    3. Points will be awarded for the best standardized test score.  In other words, points will be awarded for either American College Test (ACT) or Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) based on the most points an applicant can receive.
  3. Applicants may receive points for achievement of a degree and/or active employment for 12 of the past 36 months. Applicants seeking additional points in the categories below will be required to submit proof of degree and/or work experience.
    1. An applicant who earned a degree in an Allied Health field of study and has relevant work experience (at least 12 of the past 36 months) will receive 25 points
    2. An applicant who earned a Master’s degree or higher will receive 25 points
    3. An applicant who earned a Bachelor’s degree will receive 20 points
    4. An applicant who earned an Associate degree will receive 10 points
    5. Veterans with experience in healthcare while in the military will receive 15 points.
    6. An applicant who is a Veteran (no healthcare experience while in the military) will receive 5 points. 
    7. An applicant can obtain a maximum of 25 points in this category (3a-3f) and will only be awarded points for the highest degree earned.
  4. The maximum number of points an applicant may receive is 225 points.
GPA Point Scale
GPA Points
4.00 100
3.95 98.75
3.90 97.50
3.85 96.25
3.80 95.00
3.75 93.75
3.70 92.50
3.65 91.25
3.60 90.00
3.55 88.75
3.50 87.50
3.45 86.25
3.40 85.00
3.35 83.75
3.30 82.50
3.25 81.25
3.20 80.00
3.15 78.75
3.10 77.50
3.05 76.25
3.00 75.00
2.95 73.50
2.90 72.50
2.85 71.25
2.80 70.00
2.75 68.75
ACT Point Scale
ACT Points
36 100.00
35 97.222
34 94.444
33 91.667
32 88.889
31 86.111
30 83.333
29 80.556
28 77.778
27 75.000
26 72.222
25 69.444
24 66.667
23 63.889
22 61.111
21 58.333
20 55.556
Below 20 Disqualified
TEAS Point Scale
Your score will equal your points earned: for example, a score of 60.5 equals 60.5 points.
Below 58.7 would disqualify you for admission.

Licensed Practical Nurse to Registered Nurse (LPN-RN) candidates will be ranked according to the same criteria as the Associate Degree Nursing student and must meet all requirements listed for admission (with the exception of State Registered Nurse Aide licensure). Licensed Practical Nurse to Registered Nurse (LPN-RN) applicants are required to demonstrate:  

In order to gain admission into the nursing program applicant(s) must meet the application deadline. Applicants who desire admission in the fall must apply and submit all required documentation on or before March 15. Applicants who are applying for spring admission must submit all required documentation on or before October 15: 

  1. Submit a current application for admission to Owensboro Community and Technical College;  
  2. Submit transcripts of postsecondary work completed at other institutions (not within the Kentucky Community and Technical College System);  
  3. View the online Pre-Admission Conference for each admission cycle HERE
  4. Complete a Personal Data Form application for each admission cycle Please embed link to updated preadmission conference – see attached PowerPoint;
  5. Meet one (1) of the two (2) criteria listed below:                     
    • American College Test (ACT) composite score of 20 or above 
    • Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) composite score of 58.7% or higher. 
  6. Meet one (1) of the two (2) listed below:
    • Earn a minimum 2.75 Grade Point Average (GPA) calculated on the basis of all completed General Education courses required for the nursing program.  In order for a grade to be considered, it must be available on or before the application deadline.  Grades in PSY 110, a Quantitative Reasoning course at the Associate in Arts or Associate in Science level (MAT 150 preferred), BIO 137, BIO 139, BIO 225, ENG 101, and a heritage or humanities course will be included in the calculation, when completed.  If an applicant has taken more than one heritage or humanities course, the course with the highest grade will be used in the Grade Point Average (GPA) calculation.  
    • Earn a minimum 2.75 cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) calculated on all college courses taken within the Kentucky Community and Technical College System and applicable transfer credit.
      Note: For the purposes of ranking, an applicant’s highest Grade Point Average (GPA) (see option 6a and option 6b above) will be used for admission.
  7. In order to be considered for Nursing Program admission, students must have successfully completed PSY 110, a Quantitative Reasoning course at the Associate in Arts or Associate in Science level (MAT 150 preferred), and BIO 137.  Grade of “C” or higher in the Quantitative Reasoning and Science courses required.
  8. Preference within each applicant pool may be given to applicants demonstrating proof of a prior Allied Health Degree involving direct patient care and who are actively employed in that field for 12 of the past 36 months, as well as applicants who have earned a college degree in any field of study and Veterans (see Point System for details).
  9. Evidence of active status, unrestricted licensure as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in Kentucky or another compact state (on or before the first day of NSG 219/NSG 212 or their equivalent)
  10. Evidence of continuing student status or employed as a full-time Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) 12 of the past 36 months

Accepted Licensed Practical Nurse to Registered Nurse (LPN-RN) candidates will be granted placement into the 2nd semester Associate Degree Nursing courses (NSG 219 and NSG 212).  

To be considered for readmission by the Nursing Admissions Committee, the applicant must:  

  1. Meet current college guidelines of 2.0 minimum Grade Point Average (GPA).  Grade Point Average (GPA) in all previously attempted general education and nursing courses required for the nursing program will be considered. Additionally, the cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) in all college courses completed within the Kentucky Community and Technical College and applicable transfer credit will be determined. Grade of “C” or higher in the Quantitative Reasoning and Science courses required.  
  2. Submit a readmission application published by the program contact Director of Nursing, Lori Donahoo for copy of application: 
    • semester and course to which the student is requesting readmission 
    • reason(s) for previous unsuccessful progress in the nursing program 
    • plans to increase chances for success if readmitted
  3. Demonstrate competency by meeting benchmark score of 78% on the first attempt of a comprehensive exam equivalent to the content of the prior successful semester completed if seeking readmission into a Medical/Surgical course
  • Students may be readmitted to the Nursing Program one time. Students will be afforded no more than two (2) opportunities for successful completion of the Nursing Program.  
  • The Nursing Admissions Committee will consider the recommendation of Nursing Faculty, the Readmission Application and results of the competency exam (when applicable) for all students seeking readmission.  
  • The Nursing Admissions Committee reserves the right to consider an additional attempt for students who exit the program under extraordinary circumstances or applicants with previous nursing school unsuccessful attempts in which five (5) years or more has passed.
  • Readmission must occur within three (3) years of the initial admission date. If more than three years have elapsed since initial enrollment in the first nursing course in any registered nursing program, the readmission applicant must repeat all nursing courses.
  • Readmission to the Nursing Program will be dependent upon available resources.  

Readmission – Fundamentals of Nursing
(For Previous OCTC Nursing Program Students)

  • Applicants previously admitted to a fundamental nursing course (NSG 101 or its equivalent) at Owensboro Community and Technical College will be considered for readmission to NSG 101 (or its equivalent) one time.  
  • The Nursing Admissions Committee will consider the recommendation of Nursing Faculty, the Readmission Application and results of the competency exam (when applicable) for all students seeking readmission.
  • A student will be afforded no more than two (2) attempts to successfully complete the Nursing Program.  
  • The Nursing Admissions Committee reserves the right to consider an additional attempt for students who exit the program under extraordinary circumstances or applicants with previous nursing school unsuccessful attempts in which five (5) years or more has passed. 
  • Applicants previously admitted to another nursing program other than Owensboro Community and Technical College, and who have earned one (1) unsuccessful attempts (defined as a grade of D or below or withdraw status) in a nursing course or program are eligible to be considered for admission
  • Applicants previously admitted to another nursing program other than Owensboro Community and Technical College, and who have earned two (2) unsuccessful attempts (defined as a grade of D or below or withdraw status) in a nursing course and/or program are ineligible for admission.  
  • The Nursing Admissions Committee reserves the right to consider students who exit a program under extraordinary circumstances or applicants with previous nursing school unsuccessful attempts in which five (5) years or more has passed.   

Readmission - Fundamentals of Nursing
(Additional Information for All Readmission Candidates)

  • Students who apply for readmission will be considered on a case-by-case basis and not by point ranking alone.
  • Students who are granted readmission into NSG 101 (or its equivalent), must repeat all nursing courses in the curriculum to successfully complete the program (regardless of the grade earned in previous attempts, when applicable).
  • Students readmitted into the nursing program are required to complete a new background check and drug screen.  

What Else Do I Need to Know?


CNEA Accredited Badge for Owensboro

The Owensboro Community and Technical College Associate Degree in Nursing Program holds continuing accreditation from the National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation (NLN CNEA), located at 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20037. 202-909-2487. 

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Length of Program

You can earn an associate in applied science degree in two years if you maintain full-time status.

This information should not be considered a substitute for the KCTCS Catalog. You should always choose classes in collaboration with your faculty advisor to ensure that you meet all degree requirements.

Request Information