Pre-Admission Nursing Conference and TEAS Information | OCTC

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Pre-Admission Nursing Conference and TEAS Information

Associate Degree Nursing (RN)
LPN (currently licensed) to ADN Bridge

  • Programs Offered
  • Preferences for Selective Admission
  • Minimum Requirements
  • Admission Process
  • Expenses
  • "Things to Know"

Traditional ADN

  • 3-5 days per week
  • 4 semesters
  • Acceptance number varies each semester

LPN (currently licensed) to ADN Bridge

  • 3-5 days per week
  • 3 semesters
  • Acceptance number varies each semester
Admission Deadlines
  • Admission deadline for Fall 1st Tier: March 15th
  • Admission deadline for Fall 2nd Tier: May 15th
  • Admission deadline for Spring 1st Tier: October 15th
  • Admission deadline for Spring 2nd Tier: November 1st
ADN Program Details
  • The Associate Degree Nursing Program prepares students to sit for the NCLEX-RN in order to become Registered Nurses.
  • ADN program is for four (4) semesters (prerequisites not included) 
    • 1st semester: Nursing Practice I (9 credit hours)
    • 2nd semester: Medical/Surgical Nursing I & Behavioral Health Nursing (10 credit hours)
    • 3rd semester: Medical/Surgical Nursing II & Maternal Newborn Nursing (10 credit hours)
    • 4th semester: Medical/Surgical Nursing III & Pediatric Nursing (10 credit hours)
ADN Minimum Requirements - Prior to Admission Deadlines
  • Apply for admission to OCTC if you are not currently enrolled in a KCTCS institution and declare major Associate in Science with Nursing/OWRN as student group
  • You are currently viewing the Pre-Admission Conference online
  • Submit the Data Report form located at the end of slide presentation. See link provided.  *This form is your official application to the Nursing Program
  • Submit official transcripts from universities/colleges other than KCTCS to the OCTC Office of the Registrar  (Note: OCTC will only accept transfer courses as designated by the OCTC Registrar)
  • Earn a minimum Nursing GPA ≥2.75 (Nursing GPA is determined by grades in ENG 101, Quantitative Reasoning Course at the Associate in Arts or Science level (MAT 150 preferred), Heritage/Humanities, PSY 110, BIO 137, BIO 139, and BIO 225.) or a minimum cumulative GPA ≥2.75. Please refer to nursing admission criteria.
  • Meet one (1) of the two (2) criteria listed below:
    • Score an ACT Composite of 20 or above.  Official scores must be sent from OCTC or already be on file
    • Score “Proficient” (58.7%) or higher on the Assessment (TEAS V or ATI TEAS) (
ADN Minimum Requirements - Prior to First Day of Nursing (required)
  • Obtain “Active Status” on Kentucky Nurse Aide Registry 
    • If you have never been a nurse aide, you may be trained at a local health care facility (that is approved for students to complete state exam) or take NAA 100 at any KCTCS institution and pass the state board exam to become a registered nurse aide
  • Obtain BLS (Basic Life Support) certification for the Healthcare Provider with AED training (American Heart or American Red Cross only)
  • Attend a mandatory orientation before your first nursing class begins. The date and time will vary semester to semester. Applicants who are accepted into the program will receive a notification of the day and time shortly after accepting a seat in the first nursing course.   
ADN General Education Courses
  • ENG 101: Writing I
  • PSY 110: General Psychology 
  • Quantitative Reasoning Course at the Associate in Arts or Associate in Science level (MAT 150: College Algebra preferred)
  • BIO 137: Anatomy & Physiology I 
  • BIO 139: Anatomy & Physiology II
  • BIO 225: Medical Microbiology
  • Heritage & Humanities
LPN (currently licensed) to ADN Bridge
Admission Deadlines

Upon acceptance, students will enter into the 2nd semester of the ADN Program.

  • Admission deadline for Fall 1st Tier: March 15th
  • Admission deadline for Fall 2nd Tier: May 15th
  • Admission deadline for Spring 1st Tier: October 15th
  • Admission deadline for Spring 2nd Tier: November 1st
LPN-RN Minimum Requirements - Prior to Admission Deadlines
  • Apply for admission to OCTC if you are not currently enrolled in a KCTCS institution and declare major Associate in Science with Nursing/OWRN as student group
  • You are currently viewing the Pre-Admission Conference online
  • Submit the Data Report form located at the end of these slides. *This form is your official application to the Nursing Program
  • Submit official transcripts from universities/colleges other than KCTCS to the OCTC Office of the Registrar  (Note: OCTC will only accept transfer courses as designated by the OCTC Registrar)
  • Earn a minimum GPA ≥2.75 Nursing GPA (Nursing GPA is determined by grades in ENG 101, a Quantitative Reasoning course at Associate in Arts or Science level (MAT 150 preferred), Heritage/Humanities, PSY 110, BIO 137, BIO 139, and BIO 225.) or a minimum cumulative GPA ≥2.75. Please refer to nursing admission criteria
LPN-RN Minimum Requirements - Prior to First Day of Nursing  (required)
  • Obtain BLS (Basic Life Support) certification for the Healthcare Provider with AED training (American Heart only)
  • Attend a mandatory orientation day in August before your nursing classes begin. The date and times vary each semester but typically scheduled for the week prior to the start of classes.
  • Obtain a Nursing GPA ≥2.75 or earn minimum cumulative GPA ≥2.75 (refer to nursing admission criteria)
  • Demonstrate an “Active” unrestricted license as a Practical Nurse 
    • Continuing student or employed as a full-time LPN 12 of the past 36 months.
  • Enroll in or have completed ENG 101 (Pre or Co Requisite)

Complete and submit DATA REPORT FORM which is found at the end of presentation. Click on link provided. 

  • All required information, including Data Report Form, official TEAS transcript (if taken at another institution), official ACT and official college transcripts (if taken at another institution beside KCTCS), must be received by the application deadline.
  • Transcripts should be sent to the Office of the Registrar
  • Do not submit CPR or Nurse Aide documentation until after you have been admitted. You will be instructed where to upload these documents once you have been accepted and enrolled in the first nursing course.
Please, return to the Nursing Webpage for information on cost estimates for the OCTC Nursing Program.
  • Pre Nursing Conferences must be viewed online prior to each application cycle and new Data Report Form submitted
  • To schedule to take the ATI TEAS assessment, call Workforce Solutions at (270) 686-4444
    • If unsuccessful on the TEAS, a minimum 4 week waiting period is required prior to retesting
    • The TEAS may only be attempted a maximum of 3 times per calendar year

*Owensboro Community and Technical College (OCTC) Associate Degree Nursing Program is accredited by the National League of Nursing (NLN) Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation (CNEA) , Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) and is approved by the Kentucky Board of Nursing.

*Clinical facilities utilized by the OCTC Nursing Program require criminal background checks, drug screening, health screenings, and vaccinations. Clinical facilities may allow vaccination exemptions. OCTC does not have the authority to grant any exemption request. Clinical facilities can deny student participation in clinical rotations based on results of criminal background checks, drug screens, previous termination/disciplinary issues which occurred during employment by the agency, or any other reason. Completion of clinical rotations is required to successfully complete courses in the nursing program. If a clinical facility denies a student admittance to clinical for any reason, the student is subject to denial of admission and/or dismissal from the nursing program. OCTC does not accept responsibility for student ineligibility for clinical participation and subsequent consequences that may occur.

Check your KCTCS student e-mail accounts often!

  • All communication from the Nursing Department (including your acceptance or denial into the program) will occur via your KCTCS student e-mail account
  • If you do not have a KCTCS account, please list an alternate e-mail address on your Data Report Form
  • Fall Acceptance/Denial letters should be sent in April
  • Spring Acceptance/Denial letters should be sent in October
  • It is the recommendation of the Nursing Faculty at OCTC that any accepted student review their A&P content carefully as proficient knowledge of this content will be expected in all NSG courses

Lori Donahoo DNP, RN, CNE
Nursing Program Director
(270) 686-4548 

Nursing at the technical level involves the provision of direct care for individuals and is characterized by the application of verified knowledge in the skillful performance of nursing functions. Therefore all students should possess:

  1. Sufficient visual acuity, such as needed in the accurate preparation and administration of medications, and for the observation necessary for patient assessment and nursing care.
  2. Sufficient auditory perception to receive verbal communication from patients and members of the health team and to assess health needs of people through the use of monitoring devices such as cardiac monitor, stethoscope, IV infusion pump, Doptone, fire alarms, etc.
  3. Sufficient gross and fine motor coordination to respond promptly and to implement the skills, including the manipulation of equipment, required in meeting health needs.
  4. Sufficient communications skills (speech, reading, writing) to interact with individuals and to  communicate their needs promptly and effectively, as may be necessary in the individual’s interest.
  5. Sufficient intellectual and emotional functions to plan and implement care for individuals.


Please, complete and submit the electronic form above.

Thank you for your interest in our program.

Pre-Admission & TEAS Information

TEAS is now offered Monday - Thursday between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. and one Friday each month at 9:30 a.m. Register for the TEAS today!

What is the ATI TEAS Assessment?

The ATI TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) Assessment is a 170 question, time limited, multiple choice, proctored assessment designed to test basic knowledge in reading, mathematics, science and English and language usage.

How can I prepare for the assessment?

ATI TEAS Study Guides may be checked out from the OCTC Library on the main campus on a one (1) week loan. There are also ATI TEAS Study Guides in the library at the Downtown Campus.

Do I need to bring a calculator?

No, calculators are embedded in the online version and will be provided by testing center.

Where and when is it available?

The ATI TEAS Assessment will be administered at the OCTC Downtown Campus located at 1501 Frederica Street, Room 2. Room numbers are subject to change.

How much will it cost?  

ATI TEAS Assessment fee: $90.00

What should I bring?  

Please bring a photo ID and KCTCS student ID number to the testing site.

How do I get my score s to the OCTC Nursing Department?

If you take the TEAS at OCTC, you will not need to do anything. We will pull those scores from and enter them in PeopleSoft (the KCTCS student records system).

How can I send a copy of my TEAS score/TEAS transcript to the OCTC Nursing Department?

If you tested at another KCTCS institution you may be able to have someone at that campus enter your scores into PeopleSoft. If not, you must go to ATI’s online store at and select TEAS Products/TEAS Discover Transcripts. There is a $27 charge. Transcripts are sent immediately by email. A paper copy from the student is not accepted.

It is your responsibility to ensure that your scores are received bt the admission deadline.

If you test at OCTC, you are required to enter your KCTCS student ID at the time of testing to ensure that the scores can be used for nursing admission.

Can I retake the ATI TEAS assessment?

The ATI TEAS assessment may be taken a maximum of 3 times per year with a 4 week wait period between attempts. 

If a student can only pay in cash, or doesn't have a computer to register for the exam, you may register at OCTC Downtown Campus, Workforce Solutions at 1501 Frederica Street, Owensboro< KY 42301. Call (270) 686-4444.

For more information on the ATI TEAS Assessment as well as information on purchasing a study guide and online practice tests, please visit, or contact