Estimated Price List | OCTC

Inclement Weather

All OCTC Campuses closed Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2025.

Estimated Price List

NSG 101 Price List

Required Textbooks
Item Estimated Cost
Required Textbooks Package $299.47*
Nursing 101 Kit $132.98
Nursing Diagnosis Manual $91.37
Modular Skills Trainer $310.80

*This is an estimate only. Prices are subject to change.

Recommended Textbooks
Item Estimated Cost
Fluid and Electrolytes Made Easy $57.99
Test Success $74.23
Other Items
Item Estimated Cost
ATI Payment #1 (Due 1/4/24) $560.71
Castlebranch Payment (Due 12/04/2023)
(Background, Drug, Compliance)
KNA workshops (Required) $35.00
Nursing Supplies Available at the Bookstore
Item Estimated Cost
Littman Classic III Stethoscopes $146.98 - $151.98
Hemostat $2.63
Steth and BP Cuffs Combo $63.98
ID Tag Holders $2.50 - $3.00
Nursing Watches $25.00 - $45.00
Penlights $2.98 - $7.98
Bandage Scissors $7.98
Pocket Organizers $14.98
Tote Bag and Backpacks $21.98 - $65.00
Rolling Bag
(Highly Suggested due to number of books and kit items)
$40.00 - $94.98

For more information on ordering books, supplies, and information about charge dates visit the Bookstore.

WonderWink Pro Scrubs
Item Estimated Cost
Embroidered Top $32.98 - $39.98
Embroidered Jacket $39.98 - $46.98
Scrub Bottoms $27.98 - $30.98

Once you have placed your order with WonderWink Pro Scrubs, it will take a minimum of three weeks to get embroidered scrubs.

NSG 2nd Semester

2nd Semester
Item Estimated Cost
212/219 Bundle $474.22
Skill Kit $161.47
ATI Payment #2 $560.71
KNA workshops (Required) $35.00

NSG 3RD Semester

3RD Semester
Item Estimated Cost
Skill Kit $257.76
ATI Payment #3 $517.84
CastleBranch Re-Check $40.00
NSG 211 Maternal Newborn Package $179.54

NSG 4th Semester

4TH Semester
Item Estimated Cost
ATI Payment #4 $517.84
NSG 213 Pediatric Package $193.49
Hurst Review $340.00
NCLEX-RN Testing $400.00
(subject to change, varies by state of residence)