Concurrent Enrollment | OCTC

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All OCTC Campuses closed Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2025.

Concurrent Enrollment

As a Discover College Concurrent Enrollment student at Owensboro Community and Technical College, you can earn college credit while maintaining the flexibility of your home high schools schedule. Students earn college credit for technical and/or general education classes. All courses are aligned with the OCTC curriculum and taught by instructors qualified to teach at the college-level. Students receive both college and high school credit for their work. Course selection varies by school. Tuition is assessed at 50% of the on-campus rate. Typically the high school provides the textbooks.

For more information about courses available at your High School, Advanced Technology Center, or Career and Technical Center contact Dr. Meredith Skaggs at for more information.

Go2Work-Students earn college credit for career pathway classes taught by a qualified high school instructor and receive both college and high school credit for their work. Course selection varies by school.

Go2Transfer-Students earn college credit for transfer classes taught by a qualified high school instructor and receive both college and high school credit for their work. Course selection varies by school.

Concurrent Enrollment FAQ - For more information, please review the Concurrent Enrollment FAQ or the Discover College Agreement which outlines how Discover College and secondary partners work together to offer concurrent enrollment programs.

For Concurrent Enrollment Students, click here to request a copy of the Concurrent Enrollment Program Handbook.

Concurrent enrollment courses are courses are offered within a high school and are taught by a qualified high school instructor, but students may be eligible receive credit through Owensboro Community and Technical College. Often, these courses allow the student to earn both high school credit and college credit simultaneously. Students must qualify to receive credit for concurrent coursework by completing pre-requisites and/or placement scores.

See Placement Testing & Assessment for current placement score requirements.

Please, contact OCTC for the Approved Course List.

*Please note that not all courses are taught by all partner high schools. Please contact your high school to determine of the concurrent courses are offered there.

The high school instructor also must apply to be eligible to teach concurrent course(s). Their credentials and application are reviewed by their respective academic division and Discover College a year before they are permitted to teach concurrently. All concurrent instructors attend a mandatory Curriculum Alignment Day to ensure that what they are teaching in their class aligns with the curriculum of on-campus courses. All concurrent courses must meet the same expectations as on-campus courses.

Discover College will work with each area high school to outline student expectations as well as academic score requirements each year. The student will work with their high school counselor or college and career readiness coach to meet placement requirements. Scores must be obtained by September 15 for the fall semester and February 15 to enroll in the spring semester. Required scores for both general education courses and technical programs may be found here.

The high school will determine which concurrent courses to offer (within the approved list in question #1) and which semester to offer them. The high school understands the intent to have students earn college credit and will enroll students who are interested in receiving credit.

Students interested in concurrent class offered at the high school must apply to OCTC online (click "Apply" at the top right corner of this webpage) and submit a HS transcript and placement test scores.

  • A minimum of 10 students must have the pre-requisites and/or qualifying scores and enroll in the course for OCTC credit for the course to be considered an Owensboro Community and Technical College course. Only students meeting the pre-requisite and/or qualifying score requirement will earn credit for the course despite participation in the course for high school credit.
Please refer to the Discover College page for an updated list of secondary partners.
Each student is required to complete the online application and submit a HS transcript and appropriate placement scores. Required scores for both general education courses and technical programs may be found here: OCTC Placement Guidelines.
Students will apply online. You may send your HS transcript to OCTC via Parchment or give it to the Admissions Navigator for your high school.
No, unfortunately home schooled students are ineligible for concurrent course credit.
There is no age requirement for concurrent credit courses unless indicated by the program (often this excludes certain programs from being an option to Discover College students altogether due to selective admissions). Program eligibility is based on placement scores and/or completed prerequisites. Per the statewide memorandum of agreement, only high school juniors and seniors are eligible for concurrent enrollment credit.