Early College | OCTC

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Early College

Owensboro Community & Technical College’s Early College program is ideal for students who like a challenge. This is a collaborative partnership with area high schools and OCTC.

Early College students attend classes on campus at OCTC full-time during their junior and senior years of high school. Students may still participate in extracurricular activities at their high school. Students may graduate simultaneously with a high school diploma and an associate’s degree.

The tuition is covered through scholarships and self-pay. Students are responsible for transportation, books, and supplies.

Students will select an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree plan based on transfer interest or career choice.

Nikki WimpelbergFor more information or to see if Early College is the right fit for you, contact your high school counselor or Nikki Wimpelberg, OCTC's Early College Coordinator at nikki.wimpelberg@kctcs.edu or 270-686-4596.

Nikki graduated with a Bachelor's in Mathematics and Education from Greenville College and currently serves OCTC as the Early College Coordinator. She is a community college alumnus and has worked for a community college her entire professional career.  In her free time, she enjoys outdoor activities.

Early College Information

Check out this 10-minute presentation video to learn more about Early College at OCTC!

Frequently Asked Questions ...and answers!

Note: All answers are subject to change based on KCTCS, OCTC, high school, and/or transfer school changes in dual credit, classes, procedures, etc.

  • Students attend classes full time on campus/online at OCTC during Junior and Senior year of high school.  Students graduate simultaneously with a high school diploma and an Associate in Science or Associate in Arts.
  • Students fulfill high school requirements by taking college courses.
  • The grades earned are placed on high school and college transcripts.
  • Students can shorten time for degree completion after OCTC.
  • Tuition for high school students is charged at a reduced rate, currently 50% of adult tuition.
  • Students attend from Apollo, Cloverport, Daviess County, Hancock County, McLean County, Ohio County, Owensboro High, Owensboro Innovation Academy, and Homeschool/Independent Organizations.
  • About 1/3 of all OCTC students are high school students.
  • Students meet the qualifications and permission is given by their home high school to enroll.
  • Students must have a high cumulative GPA, which will be determined by each high school. ACT scores may be required.
  • Students must complete an Early College application and follow deadlines for applying at the home high school.
  • Classes taken complete the requirements of an Associate in Science or Associate in Arts degree while fulfilling high school requirements and those that will fulfill program classes where the student would like to transfer.  Students have access to most classes offered at OCTC.
  • Students are freshman and are eligible for freshman scholarships. Credit hours may qualify them for junior standing, but they will be considered freshman and follow the traditional route to apply for college their senior year of high school. Do NOT follow transfer deadlines.
  • Students will take 5 classes or approximately 15 credit hours per semester (August-December and January-May) to complete the 60-credit hour Associate in Arts or Associate in Science Degree. Some may take fewer if the student obtains previous dual or AP credits.
  • In general, classes are Monday and Wednesday OR Tuesday and Thursday and meet for 1 hr and 15 minutes each time. Science labs may meet only once per week and may last longer. Classes are limited on Friday. If students do not have classes at the high school, they will only be required to attend for mandatory meetings or testing, as stated by their home high school.
  • When students are not in class, the time is considered their free time to work on homework, complete on-campus activities, or work.
  • Most students are involved in at least one club, music, or sport at the high school, and many are involved in clubs on OCTC’s campus. Students may also participate in Life Science and Engineering Academy in Early College.
  • Students attend classes with traditional, non-traditional, Early College, and dual credit students for a varied learning environment.  There are no separate classes for Early College students.
  • Students are treated like full-time college students while in attendance at OCTC.  
  • High schools will receive updates on student progress as needed from OCTC.
  • If students receive an AA or AS degree at OCTC, they are considered General Education Certified for any public university in Kentucky. This means students will not be required to fulfill general education classes at a university and will only need classes specific to their degree. Some private universities will honor this general education certification while others will not. It is always best to check with the school a student wishes to attend to determine how credits will transfer. Each public university will have an online database called a transfer equivalency system that indicates how a class will transfer. A student does not need to complete an entire Associate degree to be considered General Education Certified.
  • There is a full-time Early College Coordinator, located at OCTC, available for individual support and advising for students.
  • Students are able to access any service at the college. This includes tutoring, computer labs, clubs, events, activities, counseling, food pantry, and advising.  
  • Students are able to access all high school services.
  • Students take a first-year experience/orientation class their first semester for college success called FYE 100. This call will be only with Early College Students.
  • Self-Motivated, organized, willing to communicate and interact with high school and OCTC staff, faculty, and other students, driven for the challenge of completing a college degree while in high school, uses free time wisely, checks e-mail from both high school and college frequently, willing to ask questions when needed.
  • Students will not be at the high school frequently, so the student must be willing to have a different high school experience by being on a college campus full time.
  • Dual Credit tuition for the 2022-2023 academic year was charged at 1/2 or 50% the rate of regular tuition. 
  • Students will be responsible for purchasing books for classes if needed. Sometimes this also includes a charge for online resources.  Students will also purchase supplies needed for classes (notebooks, pens/pencils, etc.)
  • Students are responsible for transportation if not provided by the high school.
  • The high school may have incentives, reimbursement, or full pay tuition depending on where the student attends. Please ask your high school or the Early College Coordinator for details.
  • Each student is eligible for 4 Dual Credit Scholarships through KHEAA that covers the tuition of two college classes each year of their junior and senior year.
  • Some technical classes may qualify for the High School Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship (2 per year).
  • The Hagar Scholar’s Honor Program in which participation can earn a student $500 each semester.  This program requires certain academic guidelines, two mandatory classes, and an honors project each semester.
  • Students may be eligible for OCTC Scholarships (due April 1st before beginning classes in August).
  • KEES money cannot be used, but 529 plans do qualify.
  • Yes!  Through OCTC's Discover College Program, students may be eligible to take classes through OCTC on a part-time basis on campus, online, or in their high school.
  • Speak to your high school guidance counselor or CCR Coordinator.
  • Review materials and/or attend Q&A Sessions with the high school.
  • Complete an application through high school and follow directions on how each school would like you to continue.
  • Once accepted, students will register for classes and start receiving additional information.

Additional Info