Technical Programs
What are Technical Programs?
Students attend technical career pathway classes for a half-day on one OCTC's four campuses. Tuition is free up to 12 credit hours per year; state funds are used to pay tuition. Students can receive both college and high school credit for their work. Programs are open to juniors and seniors. Students are usually responsible for books and supplies. Transportation is typically provided by the school district.
Please contact courtney.duvall@kctcs.edu for more information about technical programs.
Student Eligibility
- Students must meet or exceed placement scores found here: Placement Testing for their respective program above.
- Annually, students must complete an OCTC application, provide placement scores, send an updated transcript from his/her high school, and meet with Courtney Duvall in the START Center to schedule for classes.
- Student must be a high school junior or senior and work with his/her high school to earn permission to enroll.
- Supplying above information does not guarantee students admission into Owensboro Community and Technical College or the students program of choice as some programs have limited admission. Meeting with Courtney Duvall in the START Center early will help students get the first pick of programs and classes. Registration begins April 15 for Fall semesters and October 15 for Spring semesters.
Student Cost
The program receives state funding for students to attend up to 12 hours (6 hours allowable per semester in the Spring and Fall) at no cost. Students assume the cost of transportation, books, and materials. If the student enrolls for more than 6 hours each semester, fall and spring, he/she assumes the cost of tuition and fees for any additional course hours.
- SEEK funds (from the state of Kentucky) are allowable to high school students pursuing a technical degree or certificate that has been approved by OCTC and who follow the guidelines bulleted below (subject to change):
- Student is enrolled with a program/major on the above list and has achieved score requirements as indicated here: Program Score Requirements
- Each semester the student receives funding, he/she must be enrolled in at least one of the Technical Core courses for the program/certificate in which he/she is enrolled.
- He/she may pair that class with either a general education course listed in their academic program (must be specifically listed) or another course from the technical core.
- Students may have a maximum 6 hours waived through SEEK funding each semester (fall/spring) which provides a total of 12 SEEK eligible hours for a student per academic year.
- Students are only eligible in the spring semester if they began in the fall semester in the program receiving SEEK funds (must be enrolled by October 1 of the fall semester in a SEEK eligible course in their SEEK eligible program).
- Courses that are SEEK eligible are taken by the student on an OCTC campus and taught by an OCTC faculty member.
Contact Courtney Duvall in the START Center by emailing courtney.duvall@kctcs.edu to set up an appointment and get started today!