The Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) offers free tutoring to OCTC students. We have a full-time staff along with peer tutors. We offer support in a variety of areas. See our TLC - tutoring schedule for subjects, time, and availability.
Q: When should you seek a tutor?
A: Come to the TLC:
- If you are having difficulty understanding lectures
- If you are falling behind in class
- If you are performing poorly on tests
- If you want or need help with study skills
- If you want or need help preparing for a test
- If you are having trouble with homework assignments
- If you are having difficulty understanding how to make a writing outline
- If you are having problems writing a paper
- If you are having problems understanding how to do research
- If you don't understand how to use a computer
- If you are having problems with organization
Q: What do we tutor?
A: We always offer support in math, English, writing, computers, learning strategies, test taking skills, and critical thinking skills . However, other areas, such as chemistry, physics, and biology, vary by student tutors abilities and semester. Meet this semesters tutors and check out our tutoring schedule.
Q: When do we tutor?
A: Tutoring for math and computers is available on a walk-in basis. We encourage appointments for help with writing.
Q: How long do we tutor?
A: Tutors may work with one student for no more than two hours in a single session.
Q: Do you need an appointment or can you walk in for assistance?
A: Math and computer assistance is available on a walk-in basis. Writing, study skills, and other support areas require an appointment.
Q: What should you bring to tutoring?
A: You will need to bring:
It's important for the tutor to see exactly what you are studying and how. Each book, class, and instructor can be different. - YOUR CLASS SYLLABUS (received in the beginning of the semester)
It's important for the tutor to see what the instructor assigned. Sometimes the tutor may understand something on the syllabus that you did not catch. - CLASS NOTES, especially on your current assignment
Again, they help the tutor to understand exactly what your instructor assigned. - ANY CLASS HANDOUTS
Again, they help the tutor to understand exactly what your instructor assigned and what the instructor expects of you - YOUR INSTRUCTOR'S NAME AND THE TITLE OF YOUR CLASS
Each tutor must fill out a form for the Teaching and Learning Center. The tutor must list the name of each student tutored, the name of the class and the class number, the instructor's name, and the general information imparted. This information is strictly confidential and is used only for the TLC's reports. - MOTIVATION
Without motivation, you will not be able to learn, retain information, or do your own work. Remember, your tutor cannot do your work for you. - A GOOD, POSITIVE ATTITUDE
Those old wife's tales about having a positive attitude are true. Until recently, we didn't know why. Now, scientists have proven that if we believe that we can learn or do something, our brains will secrete a chemical helping us learn or do something. If we believe that we can't learn or do something, our brains will secrete a chemical helping us to not learn or do something. It turns out that our brains want to help us. It's up to us to point them in the right direction.