Veterinary Technology Additional Information | OCTC

Veterinary Technology Additional Information

Program Mission and Goals

 The Veterinary Technology Program Mission Statement
To provide the student with basic knowledge, management, and practical skills to assist the practicing veterinarian in providing high-quality and efficient animal health care.

The Veterinary Technology Program’s Primary Goals

  1. Ensure each graduate can perform the essential tasks in the Accreditation Policies and Procedures of the American Veterinary Medical Association Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities (CVTEA) manual.
  2. Provide effective instruction that will prepare the graduate for the Veterinary Technician National Examination (VTNE) administered by the American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB). Successful completion of this examination will allow the graduate to be licensed in Kentucky and be eligible for licensure in other states.
  3. Develop a sense of responsibility toward animals and people.
  4. Instill an appreciation of ethics and professionalism in veterinary medicine.
  5. Promote the humane care of all animals.

Admission Requirements

  • Minimum Cumulative GPA: 2.7
  • Minimum Composite ACT Score: 18
  • Minimum TEAS Exam Score: 60%
  • Minimum Clinical Experience Hours: 16
  • One Letter of Recommendation
  • SAT equivalent will also be accepted

Students who take the following general education courses before applying to the program will receive additional ranking points.

  • MAT 150 - College Algebra
  • BIO 112/113 - Intro to Biology Lecture and Lab
  • AHS 115 or 120 - Medical Terminology

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is a self-regulating entity that, according to U.S. federal law, must be established by institutions that use laboratory animals for research or instructional purposes to oversee and evaluate all aspects of the institution's animal care and use program.

Request a digital copy of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals from the National Institutes of Health: Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare.

Request a copy of the Policy for Reporting and Responding to Animal Welfare Concerns.

IACUC Chair: Kathy Hoffman
Attending Veterinarian: Dr. Laura Boarman

Accreditation USDA number: 61-R-0111

Veterinary Technical National Examination (VTNE) Results 

  • Testing Window: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2024

  • Number of first-time candidates that have taken the VTNE: 44

  • First-time three-year VTNE pass rate: 63.6%

Rabies Mitigation Policy

Admission into the Veterinary Technology program is contingent upon students receiving the mandatory pre-exposure rabies vaccine. Of all the communicable diseases to which a veterinary medical professional may be exposed, the contraction of rabies, while unlikely, can be lethal. Therefore, the Owensboro Community & Technical College Veterinary Technology Program requires that all students be vaccinated against this disease.  This requirement is consistent with the Center for Disease Control’s guidelines for persons in this field. Additional information will be provided to incoming students at summer orientation.

ACT and TEAS Exam Resources